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[Brandes, Georg]. [Bailun]. Zhang Wentian yi. [ID D26458].
Zhang Wentian translated the Byron section in the book of Georg Brandes' Main currents in 19th century literature in Chinese.
Brandes schreibt : "It is probable that the subject of love between brother and sister was one often discussed by Shelley and Byron. What incensed Byron more than anything else was the pious horror displayed by the orthodox Bible Christians, one article of whose faith it is that the human race, as descended from one man and woman, multiplied by means of marriage between brother and sister."
Chu Chih-yu : Brandes attributed Byron's loneliness and his erratic behaviour to genetic factors : "thus the poet [Byron] had wild blood in his veins". This view was readily accepted by Chinese scholars. Wang Tongzhao wrote "Genetics has become one of the important sciences” and most of Byron's neurotic behavious was “inherited from his mother". Gan Naiguang argued : "If we ascribe Byron's romantic character to the society, then we underestimate the power of genetics". The term 'romantic character' used by Wang Tongzhao refers to 'uncontrollable passion' or simply to Byronism in its broadest sense. Byron's lifestyle, his spirit of revolt, his passion, impulsiveness, restlessness, indignation, revenge, cynicism, etc. It may seem superficial for the Chinese to have simply borrowed from Brandes whatever he had to say about Byron. But this borrowing demonstrates respect not so much for Brandes as for a totally new and scientific approach to literature hitherto absent in Chinese criticism. Georg Brandes' interpretation of Byron's fortunes in England, both literary and personal, was conveyed faithfully to Chinese readers, although few of the Chinese writers acknowledged their sources. He accredited the fall of Byron's reputation, not unustifiably, to his wife and the general public, and most of all to other jealous writers. It is true that Byron's marriage [with Annabella Milbanke] was a big mistake.
The Chinese are more circumspect in dealing with matters like incest. It is obvious, that almost every contribution of Xiao shuo yue bao had read Brandes' book, or at least the chapters on Byron. But they all avoided touching on this sensitive subject directly. Xi He mentioned the separation briefly and his only comment was : "Generally speaking, English society resented Byron's conduct and sympathized with Annabella Milbanke". Wang Tongzhao's version was more ambiguous : "Byron returned to London to find, to his surprise, that he was attacked without reason by the blind public". Gan Naiguang put the blame on Miss Milbanke but his argument was hardly convincing. He observed that the English reasonably expected Miss Milbanke to be able to tame the wild horse [Byron] once they were married, but that Miss Milbanke did not prove equal to the heavy task. She was a woman who observed the so-called moral principles of the time ; she was upright but unfeeling. She never sinned but she never forgave. Gan's article was basically a free translation of passages from Hippolyte Adolphe Taine's History of English literature. Transl. From French into English by J. Scott Clark. (New York, N.Y. : Colonial Press, 1900).

Mentioned People (3)

Brandes, Georg  (Kopenhagen 1842-1927 Kopenhagen) : Literaturkritiker, Philosoph, Schriftsteller

Byron, George Gordon  (London 1788-1824 Mesolongion, Griechenland) : Dichter

Zhang, Wentian  (Nanhui = Chuansha, Shanghai 1900-1976 im Exil) : Schriftsteller, Dichter, Übersetzer, Generalsekretär der Kommunistischen Partei, Diplomat


Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1995 Chu, Chih-yu. Byron's literary fortunes in China. (Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995). Diss. Univ. of Hong Kong, 1995.
http://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/34921/1/FullText.pdf. [Accept]. S. 47-48, 50.
Web / Byr1
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila ge. Ma Junwu yi. In : Xin wen xue (1905). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip’s travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819). (Byr7, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Bailun shi xuan. Bailun ; Su Manshu yi. (Buxiang : Bian zhe zi kan, 1914). [Übersetzung der Gedichte von Byron ; in Englisch und Chinesisch]. [Foreword by W. J. B. Fletcher, dated Oct. 6, 1909].
    [Enthält] :
    Qu guo xing. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. My native land, good night. (London : Printed & sold by Chappell & Co., 1820).
    Liu bie Yadian nü lang. Huang Kan yi. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. Maid of Athens, ere we part. [Geschrieben in Athen 1810].
    Zan da hai. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The ocean Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean. In : Byron, George Gordon. Childe Harold's pilgrimage : a romaunt. (London : Printed for John Murray, 1812).
    Da mei ren zeng shu fa men dai shi. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. To a lady who presented the author with the velvet band which bound her tresses. In : Byron, George Gordon. Hours of Idleness : a series of poems. (Newark, S. & J. Ridge, 1808). [Geschrieben 1806].
    Ai Xila. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip’s travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819).
    拜伦诗选 (SuM10, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Bannong. Bailun yi shi. In : Xin qing nian ; vol. 4, no 2 (1916). [Biographie von George Gordon Byron].
    [Enthält] : Übersetzung eines Briefes von Byron und eine Übersetzung eines Teils von Byron, George Gordon. The giaour : a fragment of a Turkish tale. (London : Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars, for John Murray, 1813).
    拜伦 譯詩 (Byr48, Publication)
  • Source: [Koizumi, Yakumo = Hearn, Lafcadio]. Ping Bailun. Chen Bao yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). (Byr10, Publication)
  • Source: Tang, Chengbo. Bailun de shi dai ji Bailun de zuo pin. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron]. (Byr25, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Manfuleide. Fu Donghua yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). ). Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. Manfred : a dramatic poem. (London : John Murray, 1817).
    曼弗雷德 (Byr30, Publication)
  • Source: [Brandes, Georg]. [Bailun]. Zhang Wentian yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 15, no 4 (1924). [Enthält das Kap. Byron. In : Brandes, Georg. Main currents in nineteenth century literature]. (Byr63, Publication)
  • Source: Wang, Tongzhao. Bailun shi zhong de se jue. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 28. April (1924). [The use of colour in Byron's poetry]. (Byr64, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Runsheng. Bailun zhuan lue de pian duan. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 28. April (1924). [Episodes of Byron's life]. (Byr65, Publication)
  • Source: Ye, Wei. Bailun zai wen xue shang de wei zhi yu qi te dian. In : Chen bao fu kan : Supplement ; 11. Mai (1924). [Byron's characteristics and place in literature]. (Byr66, Publication)
  • Source: Chuang zao yue kan. Vol. 1, no 3, 4, 6 (1924). [Zum 100. Todestag von George Gordon Byron].
    創造月刊. (Byr67, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zuzheng. Bailun de jing shen. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 4 (1924). [Byron's spirit]. (Byr68, Publication)
  • Source: Liang, Shiqiu. Bailun yu Lan man zhu yi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 3 (1924). [Byron and Romanticism]. (Byr69, Publication)
  • Source: Jiang, Jiayan. Bailun de lang man shi. In : Chuang zao yue kan ; vol. 1, no 6 (1924). [History of Byron's romances].

    ] (Byr70, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Zhimo. [Bailun]. In : Chen bao fu kan ; 21. April (1924). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron]
    拜倫 (Byt83, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Za yi (1925). In : Lu Xun quan ji ; vol. 1 (1963). [Enthält Eintragungen über George Gordon Byron].
    杂艺 (Byr71, Publication)
  • Source: [Elistratova, A.A.]. Bailun. Li Xiangchong yi. In : Yi wen ; no 6 (1954). [Artikel über George Gordon Byron].
    拜伦 (Byr40, Publication)
  • Source: Du, Bingzheng. Ge ming lang man zhu yi shi ren Bailun de shi. In : Beijing da xue xue bao ; no 2 (1956). [The poetry of the revolutionary poet Byron]. (Byr72, Publication)
  • Source: Zhang, Yuechao. Yingguo de ge ming de lang man shi ren Bailun. In : Xi ou jing dian zuo jia yu zuo pin. (Wuhan : Chang jiang wen yi chu ban she, 1957). [The English romantic poet Byron]. (Byr73, Publication)
  • Source: An, Qi. Shi lun Bailun shi ge zhong de pan ni xing ge. In : Shi jie wen xue ; no 8 (1960).[An attempt to analyze the rebellious character of Byron's poetry]. (Byr75, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Dehua. Shi lun Bailun de you yu. In : Wen xue ping lun ; no 6 (1961). [An attempt to analyze Byron's melancholy]. (Byr76, Publication)
  • Source: Fan, Cunzhong. Lun Bailun yu Xuelai chuang zuo zhong xian shi zhu yi he lang man zhu yi xiang jie he de wen ti. In : Wen xue ping lun ; no 2 (1962). [On the combination of realism and romanticism in the works of Byron and Shelley]. (Byr77, Publication)
  • Source: Yuan, Kejia. Bailun he Bailun shi ying xiong. In : Guang ming ri bao ; 12. Juli (1964). [Byron and Byronic heores]. (Byr78, Publication)
  • Source: Zhang, Yaozhi. Lun Bailun he ta de chang shi "Qiaerde Haluode you ji". In : Qiqihaer shi yuan xue bao ; no 3 (1978). [On Byron and his long poem "Childe Harold"]. (Byr81, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Zhouhan. Guan yu ti gao wai guo wen xue shi bian xie zhi liang de ji ge wen ti. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ji kan ; no 2 (1980). [For a better history of world literature ; Vortrag Guangzhou Conference]. (Byr79, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Bailun zheng zhi feng ci shi xuan : Shen pan di huan jing : Ai'erlan tian shen xia fan : Qing tong shi dai. Qiu Congyi, Shao Xunmei yi. (Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she, 1981). [Byron's political satires].
    [Enthält] :
    Shen pan di huan jing = Vision of judgment. (London : The Liberal, 1822).
    Ai'erlan tian shen xia fan. [Original-Titel nicht gefunden].
    Qing tong shi dai = The age of Bronze ; or, Carmen seculare et annus haud mirabilis. (London : Hunt, 1823).
    拜伦政治讽刺诗选 : 审判的幻景 : 爱尔兰天神下凡 : 青铜时代 (Byr21, Publication)
  • Source: Pan, Yaoquan. Bailun de Qiaerde Haluode you ji. Wuhan : Wuhan da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1981). ["Childe Harold" von George Gordon Byron].
    恰尔德. 哈洛尔德游记 (Byr80, Publication)
  • Source: Zheng, Min. Yingguo lang man shi ren Huazihuasi de zai ping jia. In : Nanjing da xue xue bao ; no 4 (1981). [Re-appraisal of the English Romantic poet William Wordworth]. (ZheM1, Publication)
  • Source: Feng, Guozhong. Bailun he Yingguo gu dian zhu yi chuan tong. In : Wai guo wen xue ; no 3 (1982). [Byron and the English classicist tradition]. (Byr82, Publication)
  • Source: [Byron, George Gordon]. Ai Xila. Liu Wuji yi. In : Liu, Wuji. Su Manshu yu Bailun "Ai Xila shi". In : Cong Mo jian shi dao Yan zi kann : ji nian Nan she liang da shi ren Su Manshu yu Liu Yazi. (Taibei : Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye you xian gong si, 1986). [Su Manshu und George Gordon Byron]. Übersetzung von Byron, George Gordon. The Isles of Greece. In : Byron, George Gordon. Don Juan ; with a biographical account of Lord Byron and his family ; anecdotes of his Lordhip's travels and residence in Greece, at Geneva, & c. : canto III. (London : Printed for William Wright, 1819). (Byr11, Publication)
  • Person: Byron, George Gordon
  • Person: Chu, Chih-yu