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Henrik Ibsen : Rezeption in China.
Tam Kwok-kan : Ibsen has been considered by many literary historians as the most important source, besides Goethe, of Western influence in modern Chinese literary thinking. Most of Ibsen's major plays have been translated and staged in China, and scholars in the field of modern Chinese intellectual history fully acknowledge the contribution Ibsen made to the May 4th movement that marked the beginning of modern Chinese culture.
To the European critics, Ibsen belongs to the present and is mainly a dramatist, not a social critic. But in China, Ibsen is often considered a revolutonary figure and has been variously represented in Chinese politics in the past ninty years.
The 19th-century critics tended to think of Ibsen's plays as stage reproductions of actual experiences in life. In the reception of Ibsen in both the East and the West, there have been different emphases, each of which employs the use of a different interpretive strategy. The two kinds of interpretation, Marxist-socialist on the one hand and aesthetic-formalist on the other, are the result of not only a difference in reception strategies, but also a difference in politics.
In regarding Ibsen as a dramatist or as a social critic, the difference lies in the critics' choice of strategy whether or not there is the belief of correspondence between a dramatist's works and social reality.
Ibsen's works were introduced to China much later than they were in Japan and in the countries in Western Europe and North America. China's nation-wide reception of Ibsen occured around the end of the 1910s and was necessarily affected by the coexistence of the moralist and socialist-Marxist codes in European interpretations of Ibsen. From the beginning, the modern Chinese theatre was a social and political theatre. Although there were no distinctively formed Ibsenite groups in China, there were dramatists, such as Hong Shen and Tian Han, who openly professed themselves 'Chinese Ibsens'. Ibsen's influence in China is manifested in two aspects : sociopolitical and artistic (both literary and theatrical). Ibsen was regarded by the Chinese critics and dramatists both as a social-realist and as a romantic playwright. The history of the reception of ibsen in China can be divided roughtly into four major periods : 1908-1927, 1928-1948, 1949-1976, and 1977-present. In the first period, Chinese interpretations of Ibsen were closely associated with social movements and were greatly influenced by the moralist code then prevalent in Europe. Ibsen's social influence was first seen in the advocycy of individualism and iconoclasm in the writings of Lu Xun and Hu Shi. The social movements in China gave the interpretation of Ibsens's plays a new political context by which the critics conveyed their messages to Chinese readers. Ibsen was hailed as a champion of individualism, uncompromising moralist, and advocate of feminism. The iconoclastic elements derived from Iben's plays were most valued in this period as a means of resistance against the traditioal moral system deeply rooted in China's confucian collectivism. One of the major reasons for introducing Ibsen to China was that the messages derived from his plays constituted a powerful attack on the conventional moral institutions in China. Ibsen was hailed as a figure of hope and new values. Chinese dramatists werde more attracted to his explosive themes than to his dramatic subtlety. Almost all the social problem plays in the early 1920s were modelled after Ibsen's plays, without considering the appropriateness of such an approach to the theatre. The influence became so powerful that even well established Chinese dramatists could not resist the temptation to imitate Ibsen, which at that time was considered by some critics as an act of contempt equivalent to plagiarism.
The second period in the reception of Ibsen was accompanied by the gradual maturity of modern Chinese drama and literary criticism. Ibsen attracted the attention of more and more serious Chinese dramatists and critics, such as Xiong Foxi and Chen Zhice. Chinese dramatists gradually shifted their interest to the artistry in Ibsen's dram in the late 1920s when the zeal for social reform in China was in low tide. In the late 1920s and 1930s some Chinese critics called for a reconsideration of Ibsen from the perspective of art, still the general tendency was to moralize him, which was supported by the practical view that Ibsen's drama was useful for social reform in China. Unfortunately the war between China and Japan broke out and destroyed the hope of developing Chinese drama along a normal artistic path. Political considerations and the nationalist responsibility of saving China from disgrace and sufferings again became the first concern of serious, patriotic writers. The Chinese interest in Ibsen revived during the war years because of the need for a new dramatic form that could arouse the reader's emotional response. In a new context of oppression and invasion, the theme of A doll's house already interpreted as 'exploitation of women' was redefined as 'exploitation of Chinese women under foreign invasion'. Almost all the Chinese stage productions of A doll's house in the years from 1937 to 1945 were adaptations to serve as a nationalist discourse for the patriotic cause.
The third period in the reception of Ibsen in China started in 1949 and ended around 1976. In these years, Chinese interpretations followed closely the footsteps of the Soviet bloc. Friedrich Engels's analysis of Ibsen's plays in terms of 'class struggle' and the redefinition of the 'Ibsenian concept of majority', which were considered necessarily reactionary with reference to 'the bourgeois class in the 19th-century semi-feudal Norwegian society'. Although social and political events similar to those depicted in Ibsen's social plays did not exist in China in these thirty years, Ibsen was still revered in terms of his historic importance as a critic of the bourgeois social system and thus was taken as politically useful to the new socialist system. The well-made dramatic conflicts in Ibsen's plays were taken as reflections of class struggle in capitalist society. Hence, for the Chinese Marxists every reading of Ibsen's social plays was a lession on the evils of capitalism. For Chinese dramatists, Ibsen's plays, redefined in the light of socialist realism, were excellent examples to learn how to reproduce class struggles as dramatic conflicts on the stage.
The new social and political reality in China after 1976 allows Ibsen readers to see that there are alternatives to the vulgarized political doctrines in the interpretation of literature. There was in effect little literary criticism in the first thirty years of the People's republic. Government intervention in the interpretation of an author allowed little freedom beyond politics. The new political and social environment has given rise to the influx of the one-condemned 'Western bourgeois literary criticism' into socialist China. Chinese critics thus have an opportunity to come into contact with contemporary Western orientation in literary studies, resulting in the gradual adoption of the easthetic-formalist code.
One of Ibsen's contributions to the Chinese theatre is the inception of a realistic stage. For many years, illusionistic acting in the fashion of Stanislavsky's style and Ibsen's realistic drama has been the main-stream in the modern Chinese theatre. Ibsen's first and obvious impact on the Chinese stage was upon the style of acting, the use of props and stage design : the first elements of external realistic technique.
Ibsen was regarded as a realistic playwright in China mainly for the social implications of his plays, very seldom for the true-to-life presentation of his themes and even less often for the dramatic techniques, which enable his plays to be realistic. With regard to the stage conventions in contemporary China, Ibsen's social problem play and 'the fourth wall' mode of presentation, together with Stanislavky's acting style, have become the mainstream in Chinese theatre, which also affects the perspective of drama critics, who have gradually and unconsciously formed a fixed view of drama that excludes other possibilities of stage style.
In the reception of Ibsen, the Chinese views had been subjected to influences from both the Anglo-American and socialist sources. While the socialist views emphasized social reference and class struggle, the Anglo-American views tended to stress the aesthetic values of Ibsen's works.

Elisabeth Eide ; Neither Hu Shi nor Lu Xun ever evaluated Ibsen from an aesthetic point of view. Ibsen was constantly regarded as an ideological writer whose characters might be transformed into positive or negative stereotypes. The complexita of Ibsen's characters had to be reduced to schematically idealized stereotypes in order to function in the Chines society as generative models. The role of Nora could not be invested with sufficient positive elements to serve as an emblem for female emancipation in China.
Realism is one of the elements that was underlined in the transmission of Ibsen's ideas, but it must not be regarded as originating with Ibsen. Ibsen was regarded as a bourgeois author, and Chinese writers who took up his views also set them in a bourgeois context. They emphasized elements in Ibsen's creative works that are associated with a liberal bourgeois society such as freedom and liberation. Hu Shi introduced his concept of Ibsenism in drama as well as in intellectual debate.
The Chinese recrated the world that Ibsen had created and adapted it to Chinese circumstances. Ibsen's role was always that of an iconoclast. He was regarded as a representative of the new thought needed to transform the Chinese world. His dramatic version of topics such as heredity were taken as science dramatized.
Ibsen represented ideology more than aestheticism in so far as his plays were evaluated from the point of view of what model or ideal his characters might serve in the formation of a new, liberal policy in China.

He Chengzhou : The development of Chinese modern drama has been closely associated with the reception of Ibsen, which has undergone a process of widening vision of Ibsen from a realist, to a romantic and then to a symbolist.

Mentioned People (1)

Ibsen, Henrik  (Skien 1828-1896 Kristiania = Oslo) : Dramatiker, Dichter


Literature : Occident : Norway

Documents (4)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1986 Tam, Kwok-kan. From social problem play to socialist problem play : Ibsen and contemporary Chinese dramaturgy. In : Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong ; vol. 17 (1986). S. 391, 401. Publication / Ibs107
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Tam, Kwok-kan
2 2000 Tam, Kwok-kan. An unfinished project : Ibsen and the construction of a modern Chinese consciousness. In : East-West dialogue ; vol. 4, noa 2 (2000). Publication / Ibs109
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Tam, Kwok-kan
3 2001 Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). IX, 3, 5-7, 11-16. Publication / Ibs1
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Mo luo shi li shuo. In : Henan (Japan) ; no 2-3 (May-June 1908). = Lu, Xun. On the power of Mara poetry. Transl. by Shu-ying Tsau and Donald Holoch. In : Modern Chinese literary thought : writings on literature, 1893-1945. Ed. by Kirk A. Denton. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1996).
    摩罗诗力说 (Ibs70, Publication)
  • Source: Zhong, Yao [Zhou, Zuoren]. Bai nian lai xi yang xue shu zhi hui gu. In : Xue bao ; vol. 1, no 19 (1908). [A review of Western scholarship in the past one hundred years ; Erwähnung von Henrik Ibsen und Bjornstjerne Martinius Bjornson].
    百年來西洋學術之回顧 (Ibs95, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Jingruo. Yibusheng zhi ju. In : Pai you za zhi (1914). [Artikel über die Dramen von Henrik Ibsen].
    易卜生戏剧 (Ibs68, Publication)
  • Source: Le, Shui [Hong, Shen]. Jiao qi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 6, no 6 (June 1915). [Artikel über Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    狡妻 (Ibs63, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Guo min zhi di. Tao Lügong [Tao Menghe] yi. In : Xin Qing nian ; vol. 4, no 6 ; vol. 5, no 1-4 (June-Okt. 1918). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. En folkefiende : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1882). = Ibsen, Henrik. Ein Volksfeind : Schauspiel in 5 Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, ca. 1883). = Ibsen, Henrik. An enemy of the people. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1883]. [Teilübersetzung].
    国民之 (Ibs6, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Xiao Aiyoufu. Wu Ruonan yi. In : Xin Qing nian ; vol. 4, no 6 ; vol. 5, no 3 (June, Sept. 1918). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Lille Eyolf. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1894). = Ibsen, Henrik. Klein Eyolf. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1895). = Ibsen, Henrik. Little Eyolf : a play in 3 acts. (London : William Heinemann, 1895). [Uraufführung Deutsches Theater Berlin, 1895]. [Teilübersetzung].
    小爱友夫 (Ibs33, Publication)
  • Source: Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng zhuan. In : Xin Qing nian ; vol. 4, no 6 (1918). [Abhandlung über Henrik Ibsen].
    易卜生傳 (Ibs92, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. She hui zhu shi. Zhou Shoujuan yi. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 11, no 4-12 (1920). = Vol. 1-2. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1921). (Shuo bu cong shu ; 4, 5). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Samfundets stotter : skuespil i fire akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1877). = Ibsen, Henrik. Stützen der Gesellschaft : Schauspiel in vier Aufzügen. Unter Mitwirkung von Emma Klingenfeld veranstaltete deutsche Originalausgabe der "Samfundets stötter". (München : T. Ackermann, 1878). = Ibsen, Henrik. The pillars of society. (London : W. Scott, 1888). [Uraufführung Odense Teater, Dänemark 1877].
    社會柱石 (Ibs31, Publication)
  • Source: Yu, Shangyuan. Guo qu er shi er xi ju ming jia ji qi dai biao zuo. In : Chen bao fu kann ; 9-31 October 1922. [Twenty-two famous dramatists and their representative works ; enthält Henrik Ibsen].
    過去二十二戲劇名家及其代表作 (Ibs84, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Shao nian tong meng. Wu Qirui yi. In : Chen bao fu kann ; 5-26 Jan. (1923). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. De unges forbund : lystspil i 5 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1869). = Ibsen, Henrik. Der Bund der Jugend : Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Berlin : Paetel, 1872). = Ibsen, Henrik. The league of youth. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1869].
    少年同 (Ibs30, Publication)
  • Source: Fang, Xin. Kanle "Nala" hou de ling sui gan xiang. In : Chen bao fu kan ; 12. Mai (1923). [Erwähnung der Aufführung von Nana von Henrik Ibsen in Beijing].
    看了那拉後的零碎感想 (Ibs53, Publication)
  • Source: He, Yigong. Nü gao shi yan de "Nala". In : Chen bao fu kan ; 17 May 1923. [Die Aufführung von Nana von Henrik Ibsen im Peking Normal College for Women = Beijing nü gao shi].
    女高師演的那拉 (Ibs55, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Xun. Nuola zou hou zen yang ? (1923) = Lu, Xun. After Nora walks out, what then ? : a talk given at the Peking Womens Normal College = Beijing shi fan da xue on December 26, 1923. In a new translation by Wen-Chao Li.
    (Ibs69, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Ye ya. Yang Jingci yi. In : Chen bao fu kan ; 11 Febr.-8 March (1924). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Vildanden : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1884). = Ibsen, Henrik. Die Wildente : Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1887). = Ibsen, Hendrik. The wild duck. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Urauffährung Den nationale Scene, Berngen 1885].
    野鴨 (Ibs37, Publication)
  • Source: Li, Jiye. Yibusheng xi ju zhong de fu nü wen ti. In : Fu nü za zhi ; vol. 10, no 12 (1924). [The woman issue in Ibsen's drama].
    易卜生戲據中的婦女問題 (Ibs64, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Kui lei zhi jia ting. Ouyang Yuqian yi. In : Guo wen zhou bao ; 19 Avril, 26 Avril, 3 May (1925). Adaption und Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Et Dukkehjem : skuespil i 3 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1879). = Ibsen, Henrik. Nora oder ein Puppenheim : Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1889). = Ibsen, Henrik. Nora. (London : Griffith, Farran & Co., 1882). = Ibsen, Henrik. A doll's house. (London : T.F. Unwin, 1889). [Erstaufführung Det Kongelige Teater, Kopenhagen 1879].
    傀儡家之庭 (Ibs22, Publication)
  • Source: Xin, Nong. Kui lei zhi jia ting ping. In : Guo wen zhou bao ; vol. 2, no 20 (31 May 1925). [A review of Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    傀儡之家庭評 (Ibs79, Publication)
  • Source: [Lavrin, Janko]. Yi shu jia de Yibusheng. Jiao Juyin yi. In : Chen bao fu kann ; no 16-17 (1927). Übersetzung von Lavrin, Janko. Ibsen as artist. In : Lavrin, Janko. Ibsen and his creation : a psycho-critical study. (London : W. Collins Sons & Co., 1921).
    藝術家的易卜生 (Ibs61, Publication)
  • Source: Pu, Shunqing. Yibusheng yu Sitelinbao zhi fu nü guan. In : Fun nü za zhi ; vol. 13, no 9 (1927). [Ibsen and Strindberg's views on women].
    易卜生與斯特林堡之婦女觀 (Ibs76, Publication)
  • Source: [Aas, Lars]. Yibusheng de shi ji. Mei Chuan yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 3 (1928). Übersetzung von Aas, Lars. The story of Ibsen. In : Bookman (March 1928).
    伊孛生的事蹟 (Ibs43, Publication)
  • Source: [Brandes, Georg]. Yibusheng. Lin Yutang yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 3 (1928). Übersetzung von Brandes, Georg. Henrik Ibsen. Vol. 1-3. (Kopenhagen : Gyldendal, 1902-1903).
    易卜生 (Ibs47, Publication)
  • Source: [Ellis, Havelock]. Yibosheng lun. Yu Dafu yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 3 (1928). Übersetzung von Ellis, Havelock. Ibsen. In : Ellis, Havelock. The new spririt. (London : G. Bell, 1890).
    伊孛生論 (Ibs52, Publication)
  • Source: Jiao, Juyin. Lun Yibusheng. In : Chen bao fu kan ; 20-28 March 1928. [On Ibsen].
    論易卜生 (Ibs60, Publication)
  • Source: [Roberts, R. Ellis]. Yibusheng. Mei Chuan yi. In : Ben liu ; vol. 1, no 3 (Augs. 1928). Übersetzung von Roberts, R. Ellis. Henrik Ibsen. In : Bookman (March 1928).
    易卜生 (Ibs77, Publication)
  • Source: Yu, Shangyuan. Yibusheng de yi shu. In : Xin yue ; vol. 1, no 30 (May 1928). [The art of Henrik Ibsen].
    伊卜生的藝術 (Ibs85, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Ye ya. Xu Gudi yi. (Shanghai : Xian dai shu ju, 1929). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Vildanden : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1884). = Ibsen, Henrik. Die Wildente : Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1887). = Ibsen, Hendrik. The wild duck. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Urauffährung Den nationale Scene, Berngen 1885].
    野鴨 (Ibs36, Publication)
  • Source: [Brandes, Georg]. Yibusheng zhuan ji qi qing shu. Lin Yutang yi. (Shanghai : Chun chao shu ju, 1929). [Übersetzung von Ibsens Liebesbriefen an Emilie Bardach].
    易卜生傳及其情書 (Ibs66, Publication)
  • Source: Xiong, Foxi. Lun Qun gui. In : Tianjin yi shi bao ; 24 Dec. (1929). [Über Gengangere = Gespenster von Henrik Ibsen].
    論群鬼 (Ibs80, Publication)
  • Source: Xiong, Foxi. She hui gai zao jia de Yibusheng yu xi ju jia de Yibusheng. In : Tianjin yi shi bao ; 21 Dez. (1929). [Ibsen the social reformer and Ibsen the dramatist].
    社會改造家的易卜生與戲劇家的易卜生 (Ibs81, Publication)
  • Source: Chen, Xiying. Yibusheng de xi ju yi shu. In : Wen zhe ji kan ; vol. 1, no 1 (1930). [Henrik Ibsen's dramatic art].
    易卜生的戲劇藝術 (Ibs48, Publication)
  • Source: Chen, Zhice. Yibusheng de Qun gui. In : Rui hu ; vol. 2 (1930). [Ibsen's "Ghosts"].
    易卜生的群鬼 (Ibs50, Publication)
  • Source: [Lavrin, Janko]. Yibusheng yu Xiao Bona. Zhang Menglin yi. In : Xian dai xue sheng ; vol. 1, no 8-9 (1931). Übersetzung von Lavrin, Janko. Ibsen and Shaw. In : Lavrin, Janko. Studies in European literature. (London : Constable, 1929).
    易卜生與蕭伯納 (Ibs62, Publication)
  • Source: Xia, Yingzhe. Li xiang zhong de Nuola. In : Guo wen zhou bao ; 15 April (1934). [Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    理想中的娜拉 (Ibs78, Publication)
  • Source: Yang, Zhensheng. Nuola yu Luosimo. In : Guo wen zhou bao 21 May (1934). [Nora von Henrik Ibsen und Rosmer].
    娜拉與洛斯墨 (Ibs83, Publication)
  • Source: Bi, Yao. Weiwei yu Nuola. In : Fu nü sheng huo ; vol. 1, no 2 (1935). [Betr. Vivie in Mrs. Warrens profession von George Bernard Shaw und Nora von Henrik Ibsen]
    薇薇與娜拉 (Ibs46, Publication)
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Yibusheng de "Nuola". In : Han yi xi yang wen xue ming zhu (1936). [Artikel über Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    易卜生的娜拉 (Ibs74, Publication)
  • Source: Yuan, Changying. Yibusheng de Ye ya. In : Yuang, Changying. Shan ju san mo. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1937). [Artikel über Vildanden = Die Wildente von Henrik Ibsen].
    易卜生的野鴨 (Ibs86, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Ye ya. Sun Xu yi. (Shanghai : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1938). (Shi jie wen xue ming zhu). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Vildanden : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1884). = Ibsen, Henrik. Die Wildente : Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1887). = Ibsen, Hendrik. The wild duck. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Den nationale Scene, Berngen 1885].
    野鴨 (Ibs35, Publication)
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Cong Nuola shuo qi. In : Zhujiang ri bao (1938). [Über Nora von Henrik Ibsen].
    從娜拉說起 : 為珠江日報婦女週刊作 (Ibs72, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Heda fu ren zhuan. Wu Lümei yi. (Shanghai : Wen xing shu dian, 1945. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : skuespil i fire akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1890). = Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : Schauspiel in 4 Aufzügen. (Leizig : Reclam, 1890). = Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : a drama in four acts. (London : Heinemann, 1890). [Uraufführung Residenztheater München, 1891].
    赫达夫人传 (Ibs9, Publication)
  • Source: Xiao, Qian. Pei'er Jinte : yi bu qing suan ge ren zhu yi de shi ju. In : Da gong bao Hong Kong und Shanghai ; 15. Aug. (1949). [Peer Gynt : a verse drama condeming individualism]. (Ibs99, Publication)
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Wai guo xi ju zai Zhongguo. In : Suppl. Wai guo xi ju ; no 1 (1980). [Westliches Drama in China ; Erwähnung von Henrik Ibsens Rezeption in China].
    外国戲劇在中国 (Ibs73, Publication)
  • Source: Liao, Kedui. Xi ou xi ju shi. (Beijing : Zhongguo xi ju chu ban she, 1981). [Abhandlung über europäisches Theater ; enthält Henrik Ibsen].
    西欧戏剧史 (Ibs65, Publication)
  • Source: Xu, Xiaozhong. Zai xian Yibusheng : dao yan Pei'er Jinte de si kao. In : Xi ju bao ; no 8 (1983). [My thoughts on staging Peer Gynt]. (Ibs100, Publication)
  • Source: [Ibsen, Henrik]. Yibusheng wen ji. Pan Jiaxun [et al.] yi. Vol. 1-8. (Beijing : Ren min wen xue chu ban she, 1995). [Übersetzung der 26 Dramen von Ibsen].

    [Enthält] :
    Shao nian dang. = Qing nian tong meng. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. De unges forbund : lystspil i 5 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1869). = Ibsen, Henrik. Der Bund der Jugend : Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Berlin : Paetel, 1872). = Ibsen, Henrik. The league of youth. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1869]. 少年當 = 青年同盟

    She hui zhi zhu. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Samfundets stotter : skuespil i fire akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1877). = Ibsen, Henrik. Stützen der Gesellschaft : Schauspiel in vier Aufzügen. Unter Mitwirkung von Emma Klingenfeld veranstaltete deutsche Originalausgabe der "Samfundets stötter". (München : T. Ackermann, 1878). = Ibsen, Henrik. The pillars of society. (London : W. Scott, 1888). [Uraufführung Odense Teater, Dänemark 1877]. 社會石柱

    Qun gui. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Gengangere : et familjedrama i tre akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1881). = Ibsen, Henrik. Gespenster : ein Familiendrama in drei Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1883). = Ibsen, Henrik. Ghosts : a family drama in three acts. (Auckland : Floating Press, 1881). [Uraufführung Aurora Turner Hall Chicago, 1882]. 群鬼

    Wan'ou zhi jia = Nuola. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Et Dukkehjem : skuespil i 3 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1879). = Ibsen, Henrik. Nora oder ein Puppenheim : Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1889). = Ibsen, Henrik. Nora. (London : Griffith, Farran & Co., 1882). = Ibsen, Henrik. . doll's house. (London : T.F. Unwin, 1889). [Erstaufführung Det Kongelige Teater, Kopenhagen 1879]. 娜拉

    Haida Gaobule. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : skuespil i fire akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1890). = Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : Schauspiel in 4 Aufzügen. (Leizig : Reclam, 1890). = Ibsen, Henrik. Hedda Gabler : a drama in four acts. (London : Heinemann, 1890). [Uraufführung Residenztheater München, 1891]. 海達蓋伯樂

    Ye ya. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Vildanden : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendalske, 1884). = Ibsen, Henrik. Die Wildente : Schauspiel in fünf Aufzügen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam, 1887). = Ibsen, Hendrik. The wild duck. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Urauffährung Den nationale Scene, Berngen 1885]. 野鴨

    Luoshima zhuang. Yaji'er Ying yi ; Liu Boliang yi. (Shanghai : Shu yan jiu hui, 1927). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm : skuespil i fire akter. (Kobenhaven : Gyldendal, 1886). = Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm : Schauspiel in 4 Akten. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1887). = Ibsen, Henrik. Rosmersholm : a play in four acts. (London : Griffith, Farran & Co., 1889). [Uraufführung Den Nationale Scene, Bergen, 1887]. 羅士馬莊

    Hai shang fu ren. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Fruen fra havet : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1888). = Ibsen, Henrik. Die Frau vom Meer : Schauspiel : mit dem Scenarium. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1889). = Ibsen, Henrik. The lady from the sea. (London : T.F. Unwin, 1890). [Uraufführung Hoftheater Weimar und Christiania Theater, Oslo 1889]. 海上夫人

    Jian zhu shi. [Repr. aus : Da jiang 1926]. (Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Bygmester Solness : skuespil i 3 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1892). = Ibsen, Henrik. Baumeister Solness : Schauspiel in drei Aufzügen. (Leipzig : P. Reclam ; Berlin : S. Fischer, 1893). = Ibsen, Henrik. The master buildner. (London : Heinemann, 1892). [Uraufführung Lessingtheater Berlin, 1893]. 建築師

    Xiao Aiyoufu. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Lille Eyolf. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1894). = Ibsen, Henrik. Klein Eyolf. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1895). = Ibsen, Henrik. Little Eyolf : a play in 3 acts. (London : William Heinemann, 1895). [Uraufführung Deutsches Theater Berlin, 1895]. 小爱友夫

    Ruohan Gaibolü'er Bokeman. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. John Gabriel Borkman : skuespil i 4 akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1896). = Ibsen, Henrik. John Gabriel Borkman : Schauspiel in vier Aufzügen. (Paris ; Leipzig : A. Langen, 1897). = Ibsen, Henrik. John Gabriel Borkman. (London : Heinemann., 1896). [Zwei Uraufführungen Finnisches Nationaltheater = Suomen Kansallisteatter, Helsinki und am Svenska Teatern, Helsingfors, 1897]. 约翰盖勃吕尔博克曼

    Za men si ren xing lai de shi hou. [Repr. von Wo men si ren zai xing shi 1929]. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Naar vi dode vaagner. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1899). = Ibsen, Henrik. Wenn wir Toten erwachen : ein dramatischer Epilog in drei Akten. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1900). = Ibsen, Henrik. When we dead awaken. (London : Heinemann, 1900). [Uraufführung Königliches Hoftheater Stuttgart, 1900]. 咱们死人醒来的时候

    Guo min gong di. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. En folkefiende : skuespil i fem akter. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1882). = Ibsen, Henrik. Ein Volksfeind : Schauspiel in 5 Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, ca. 1883). = Ibsen, Henrik. An enemy of the people. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1883]. 國民公敵

    Kaidilin. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Catilina : drama i 3 akter. (Christiania : Steensballe, 1850). = Ibsen, Henrik. Catilina : Drama in 3 Akten. (Paris : A. Langen, 1896). = Ibsen, Henrik. Catiline. (New York, N.Y. American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1921). [Uraufführung Nya teatern Stockholm, 1881]. 凯蒂琳

    Aolafu Liliekelansi. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Olaf Liljekrans. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1902). ). = Ibsen, Henrik. Olaf Liljekrans. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1898). = Ibsen, Henrik. Olaf Liljekrans. (New York, N.Y. : American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1921). [Geschrieben 1856]. [Uraufführung Det norske Theater Bergen, 1857]. [Geschrieben 1856]. 奥拉夫里列克兰斯

    Esiteluote de ying ge fu ren. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Fru Inger til Osteraad : historisk drama i fem akter. (Christiania : H.J. Jensen, 1857). = Ibsen, Henrik. Frau Inger auf Östrot : Schauspiel in 5 Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1891). = Ibsen, Henrik. Lady Inger of Ostrat. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Det Norske Teatret, Oslo 1855]. 尼斯特罗斯的英格夫人

    Wangdi yu Jialiliren. Huang Yushi, Gao Rongsheng yi. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Kejser og Galilaer : et verdenshistorisk skuespil. (Kobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1873). = Ibsen, Henrik. Kaiser und Galiläer : welthistorisches Schauspiel. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1887). = Ibsen, Henrik. The emperor and the Galilean : a drama in two parts. (London : S. Tinsley, 1876). [Uraufführung Stadttheater Leipzig 1896].

    Pei'er Jinte. Xiao Qian yi. [Repr. Von] In : Wai guo xi ju ; vol. 4 (1981). = [Ibsen, Henrik]. Pei'er Jinte : wu mu san shi ba chang shi ju. Henglike Yibusheng zhu ; Xiao Qian yi. (Chengdu : Sichuan ren min chu ban she, 1983). Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt : et dramatisk digt. (Kjobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1867). = Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt : ein dramatisches Gedicht. (Berlin : Bloch, 1867). = Ibsen, Henrik. Peer Gynt : a dramatic poem. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania-Theate, Oslo 1876].
    培尔金特 : 五幕三十八场诗剧

    Wu shi zhong = Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Kjaempehojen. In : Scandinavian studies and notes ; vol. 4 (1917). [Nach dem Souffleurbuch des Christiania Theaters]. = (Oslo : Gyldendal, 1928) = Das Hünergrab.[Nicht publiziert] = The burial mound. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1970]. [Geschrieben 1850, umgeschrieben 1853. Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1850]. 武士冢

    Nuo'er ma huo zheng zhi jia de ai qing. = Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Norma eller en politikers kjaerlighed. In : Andhrimner 1., 8. Juni (1851). = Norma oder Die Liebe eines Politikers. [Nicht publiziert]. = Norma or A politician's wife. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1970). [Uraufführung Trondheim 1994]. 诺尔玛或政治家的爱情.

    Suerhao ge de yan hui. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Gildet paa Solhoug : skuespil i tre akter. (Christiania : C. Tonsberg, 1856). = Das Fest auf Solhaug : Schaupsiel in 3 Aufzügen. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1887). = The feast at Solhaug. (London : Heinemann, 1908). [Uraufführung Det norske theater, Bergen 1856]. 苏尔豪格的宴会

    Hai er ge lun de hai dao. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Haermaendene paa Helgeland : skuespil i fire akter. In : Illustreret Nyhedsblad ; 25. April 1858). = (Christiania : H.J. Jensen, 1858). = Nordische Heerfahrt : Trauerspiel in 4 Akten. (München : T. Ackermann, 1876). = Die Helden auf Helgeland. (Berlin : S. Fischer, 1898). = The vikings of Helgeland. (London : W. Scott, 1890). [Erstaufführung Kristiania Norske Theater, Oslo 1858]. 海尔格伦的海盗

    Ai de xi yu. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Kjaerlighedens komedie : komedie i 3 akter. (Christiania : H.J. Jensen, 1862). = Komödie der Liebe : Komödie in drei Akten. (Leipzig : Reclam, 1888). = Love's comedy. (London : Duckworth, 1900). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1873]. 爱的喜剧

    Ji yu wang wei de ren. Übersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Kongs-Emnerne. (Christiania : Johan Dahl, 1864). = Die Kronprätendenten : historisches Schauspiel in fünf Akten. (Berlin : Paetel, 1872). = The pretenders. (London, W. Scott, 1890). [Uraufführung Christiania Theater, Oslo 1864]. 觊觎王位的人

    Bulugande. = Übeersetzung von Ibsen, Henrik. Brand : et dramatisk digt. (Kjobenhavn : Gyldendal, 1866). = Brand : ein dramatisches Gedicht. (Kassel : Theodor Kay, 1872). = Brand : a dramatic poem. (London : Methuen & Co., 1891). [Uraufführung Neues Theater = Nya Teatern, Stockholm 1885]. 布朗德

    [Ibsen, Henrik]. Shi xuan. Lü Yuan, Lu Yong, He Dong yi. [Übersetzung von 61 Gedichten]. 事選

    [Ibsen, Henrik]. Wen lun. Liu Huakai yi. [Übersetzung von 25 Vorträgen und Theater-Kritiken]. 文论

    Nicht enthalten ? :
    Sancthansnatten. In : Ibsen, Henrik. Efterladt skrifter. (Christiania : Gyldendal, 1909). = Die Johannisnacht. [Nicht publiziert]. = St. John's eve. [Nicht publiziert]. [Uraufführung Det norske theater, Bergen 1853] (Ibs18, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
  • Person: Tam, Kwok-kan
4 2004 He, Chengzhou. Henrik Ibsen and Modern Chinese Drama. (Oslo : Academic Press, 2004). Diss. Univ. of Oslo, 2001.
http://www.ibseninchina.com.cn/wwwrootOriginal/Sample.pdf. S. 21.
Publication / Ibs25
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Wen hao Yibusheng. In : Xue sheng za zhi ; vol. 5, no 2 (1918). [The great writer Ibsen].
    文豪易卜生 (Ibs96, Publication)
  • Source: Mao, Dun. Tan tan Wan'ou zhi jia. In : Wen xue zhou bao ; 21. Mai (1925). [Über Nora von Henrik Ibsen]. (Ibs97, Publication)
  • Source: Cao, Yu. Ji nian Yibusheng dan chen yi bai wu shi. In : Ren min ri bao (21. Febr. 1978). [To celebrate the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of Ibsen]. (Ibs114, Publication)
  • Source: Xiao, Qian. Yibusheng de "Pei'er Jinte. In : Wai guo xi ju ; no 4 (1981).
    易卜生的培尔金特 (Ibs110, Publication)
  • Source: Sun, Jiaxiu. Yibusheng he ta de xi ju. In : Xi ju xue xi ; no 3 (1982). [Ibsen and his drama].
    易卜生和他的戏剧 (Ibs101, Publication)
  • Source: Chen, Maiping. Yibusheng xi ju zhong de xiang zhen. In : Xi ju xue xi ; no 2 (1984). [Symbols in Ibsen's drama]. (Ibs102, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: He, Chengzhou
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik