# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
Porges, Irwin |
(Maywood, Ill. 1909-1998) : Autor, Biograph |
Person | |
2 |
Porkert, Manfred |
(Decin, Tschechische Republik 1933-2015) : Professor für Geschichte der chinesischen Medizin am Institut für Ostasienkunde der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Person | |
3 |
Porphyrios von Tyros |
Malkos Malchos |
(Tyros, Libanon ca. 234-304 Rom) : Griechischer Philosoph |
Person |
4 |
Porta, Ercolano |
(um 1925) : Italiener |
Person | |
5 |
Porte, Joel Miles |
(Brooklyn, New York 1933-2006 Ithaca, N.Y.) : Literaturwissenschaftler |
Person | |
6 |
Porteous, Gladstone |
Porteous, Gladstone Charles Fletcher Zhang, Erchang |
(Carngham, Victoria, Australien 1874-1944 Salaowu) : Protestantischer Missionar China Inland Mission, Superintendent East Yunnan |
Person |
7 |
Porter, Bill |
Red Pine |
(1943-) : Amerikanischer Autor, Übersetzer von taoistischen und buddhistischen Texten |
Person |
8 |
Porter, David |
(um 2010) : Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Michigan |
Person | |
9 |
Porter, Eliot |
Porter, Eliot Furness |
(Winnetka, Ill. 1901-1990 Santa Fe, New Mexico) : Photograph |
Person |
10 |
Porter, Francis Knowles |
(1845-1869 ertrunken) : Irischer Übersetzer, Diplomat |
Person | |
11 |
Porter, Gordon |
(New Haven, Conn. 1891-nach 1922) : Missionar, Professor of New Testament and Interpretation |
Person | |
12 |
Porter, Harold |
(London 1879-1938) : Diplomat |
Person | |
13 |
Porter, Hilda M. |
(1931-2010 Forth Smith) |
Person | |
14 |
Porter, Jonathan |
(um 1996) : Professor Department of History, The University of New Mexico |
Person | |
15 |
Porter, Katherine Anne |
Franking, Mae M. |
(Indian Creek, Texas 1890-1980 Silver Spring, Md.) : Schriftstellerin, Journalistin |
Person |
16 |
Porter, Lucius C. |
Porter, Lucius Chapin |
(Tianjin 1880-1958 Beloit, Wis.) : Missionar American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions |
Person |
17 |
Porter, Mary H. |
Porter, Mary Harriet |
(1846-) |
Person |
18 |
Porteus, Hugh Gordon |
(1906-1993) : Englischer Literatur- und Kunstkritiker |
Person | |
19 |
Portisch, Hugo |
(Bratislava, Tschechoslowakei 1927-) : Österreichischer Journalist |
Person | |
20 |
Porto-Riche, Georges de |
(Bordeaux 1849-1930 Paris) : Dramatiker, Schriftsteller |
Person |