# | Name | Name Alternative(s) | Info | Type |
1 |
Ford, Charles |
(1844-1927) : Botaniker |
Person | |
2 |
Ford, Charles Henri |
(Brookhaven, Miss. 1913-2002 New York, N.Y.) : Dichter, Künstler, Filmemacher |
Person | |
3 |
Ford, Clarence |
Fok, Clarence Yiu Leung |
(Hong Kong 1960-) : Regisseur |
Person |
4 |
Ford, Francis Xavier |
(Brooklyn, N.Y. 1892-1952 Gefängnis Guangzhou) : Missionar Maryknoll Mission |
Person | |
5 |
Ford, Henry |
(Wayne County, Mich. 1863-1947 Dearborn, Mich.) : Autohersteller |
Person | |
6 |
Ford, John Donaldson |
(Baltimore, Md. 1840-1918 Baltimore, Md.) : Offizier der United States Navy |
Person | |
7 |
Ford, Robert |
Ford, Robert Webster |
(Burton-on-Trent 1923-2013 London) : Funktechniker |
Person |
8 |
Forde, Leneen |
Forde, Mary Marguerite |
(Ottawa, Ontario 1935-) : Kanzlerin Griffith University, Governor of Queensland |
Person |
9 |
Fordham, Robert |
Fordham, Robert Clive |
(Melbourne 1942-) : Politiker, Deputy Premier of Victoria |
Person |
10 |
Forell, Wolfgang |
(1887-1968) |
Person | |
11 |
Foreman, Michael |
(Pakefield, near Lowestoft, Suffolk 1938-) : Kinderbuchautor, Illustrator |
Person | |
12 |
Forest, Alain |
(1946-) : Historiker, Directeur de recherche Université Denis Diderot, Paris VII, Ingénieur Centre national de la recherche scientifique |
Person | |
13 |
Forester, Cecil Scott |
Smith, Cecil Lewis Troughton |
(Kairo, Ägypten 1899-1966 Fullerton, Calif.) : Englischer Schriftsteller, Journalist |
Person |
14 |
Foresti, Antonio |
(Capri 1650-1692 Parma) : Humanwissenschaftler |
Person | |
15 |
Forke, Alfred |
(Bad Schöningen bei Braunschweig 1867-1944 Hamburg) : Sinologe, Jurist, Professor am Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und University of California |
Person | |
16 |
Forlong, James George Roche |
(1824-1904 Edinburgh) : Major-General der indischen Armee, Ingneieur |
Person | |
17 |
Forman, Bedrich |
(1919-1985) : Gattin von Werner Forman |
Person | |
18 |
Forman, Harrison |
(Milwaukee, Wisc. 1904-1978 New York, N.Y.) : Journalist, Photograph, Forscher |
Person | |
19 |
Forman, Werner |
(Prag 1921-) : Photograph |
Person | |
20 |
Forrest, Denys |
Forrest, Denys Mostyn |
(um 1980) |
Person |