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Kubek, Anthony

(1920-2003) : Experte für Amerikas Aussenpolitik


Index of Names : Occident / Politics

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1963 Kubek, Anthony. How the Far East was lost : American policy and the creation of Communist China, 1941-1949. (Chicago, Ill. : Henry Regnery Company, 1963). Publication / Kubek2
2 1970 Kubek, Anthony. The Amerasia papers : a clue to the catastrophe of China. (Washington D.C. : United States Government Print Office, 1970). Publication / Kubek1
3 1974 Kubek, Anthony. The Red China papers : what Americans deserve to know about U.S.-Chinese relations. New Rochelle, N.Y. : Arlington House Publ., 1974). Publication / Kubek3