Hetherington, Arthur Lonsdale
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1921 |
Hetherington, A.L. The pottery and porcelain factories of China : their distribution and periods of activity. (London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1921). https://archive.org/details/ThePotteryAndPorcelainFactoriesOfChinaTheirGeographicalDistribution/page/n5. |
Publication / Het2 |
2 | 1922 |
Hetherington, A.L. The early ceramic wares of China. (London : Benn Bros., 1922). = Hetherington, A.L. Chinesische Frühkeramik. Übers. Von R. E. Junkelmann. (Leipzig : K. W. Hiersemann, 1923). |
Publication / Het1 |
3 | 1923 |
Hobson, R[obert] L[ockhart] ; Hetherington, A.L. The art of the Chinese potter from the Han dynasty to the end of the Ming. (London : Benn, 1923). https://archive.org/details/artofchinesepott00hobs. |
Publication / Het3 |