# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1927 |
Bredon, Juliet ; Mitrofanor, Igor. The moon year : a record of Chinese customs and festivals. (Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1927). = Bredon, Juliet ; Mitrofanor, Igor. Das Mondjahr : chinesische Sitten, Bräuche und Feste ; Darstellung und Kulturbericht. Übers. Von Richard Hoffmann. (Berlin : P. Zsolnay, 1953). |
Publication / BreJ1 |
2 | 1931 | Bredon, Juliet. Peking : a historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest. With maps, plans and illustrations. (Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1931). [Beijing]. | Publication / BreJ2 |