Bohlin, Anders Birger
# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1926 |
Bohlin, Birger. Die Familie Giraffidae mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der fossilen Formen aus China. (Pekin : Geological survey of China, 1926). (Palaeontologia sinica, vol. 4. Fasc. 1). besonderer-berucksichtigung-der-fossilen-formen-aus-china. |
Publication / Bohl1 |
2 | 1937 | Bohlin, Birger. Oberoligozäne Säugetiere aus dem Shargaltein-Tal (Western Kansu). (Stockholm : Tullberg, 1937). (Reports from the scientific expedition to the North-Western provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin ; 5). [Gansu]. | Publication / Bohl2 |
3 | 1937 |
Bohlin, Birger. Eine tertiäre Säugetier-Fauna aus Tsaidam. (Stockholm : Tullberg, 1937). (Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin, 1). [Qaidam-Becken, Qinghai, Tibet]. |
Publication / Bohl3 |
4 | 1938 | Bohlin, Birger. Einige jungtertiäre und pleistozäne Cavicornier aus Nord-China. (Uppsala : Norblad, 1938). | Publication / Bohl4 |
5 | 1949 | Bohlin, Birger. A contribution to our knowledge of the distribution of vegetation in Inner Mongolia, Kansu and Ching-Hai. (Stockholm : Thule, 1949). [Gansu, Qinghai]. | Publication / Bohl5 |