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Osório, Jerónimo

(Lissabon 1506-1580 Tavira) : Portugiesischer Historiker, Bischof von Silves


History : General / Index of Names : Occident

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1580 Osório, Jerónimo. The history of the Portuguese during the reign of Emmanuel ; containing all their discoveries, from the coast of Africk to the farthest parts of China ; their battles by sea and land, their sieges, and other memorable exploits ; with a description of those countries, and a particular account of the religion, government, and customs of the natives ; including also, their discovery of the Brazils, and their wars with the Moors. Written originally in Latin by Jerome Osorio. Now first transl. into English by James Gibbs. Vol. 1-2. (London : A. Millar, 1752). Übersetzung von Osório, Jerónimo. De rebus Emanuelis Regis Lusitaniae. (Colonia : Agrippina, 1580).
Publication / Oso1