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Jackson, Samuel

(um 1764) : Kaufmann, East India Company


Index of Names : Occident

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1764 Jackson, Samuel. An authentick account of the weights, measures, exchanges, customs, duties, port-charges, &c. &c. and correct batty tables, made use of, and paid at the several ports of the East-Indies, traded unto by Europeans : together with an account of all the different coins (both real and imaginary) by which all accompts in Asia are kept : also the coins, weights, names and touches of gold, emperor's and hoppo's duties on the measurage of European ships, with the duties on all goods imported and exported at Canton in China : to which are added, tables. (London : Printed by W. Lear, 1764). Publication / JackS1