# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1814 |
Wilkinson, George. Sketches of Chinese customs & manners, in 1811-12, taken on the spot : and interspersed with a variety of curious occurrences, during a voyage to the cape of Good Hope, Pulo Penang, China, Canton, Whampoa, and Saint Helena : with some account of the ladrones ; in a series of letters to a friend at Palermo. (Bath : Printed by J. Browne, 1814). [Besuch von Huangpu, Guangzhou 1811]. https://books.google.ch/books?id=ZnlFAQAAMAAJ&pg= PR3&lpg=PR3&dq=Wilkinson,+George.+Sketches+of+ Chinese+customs+%26+manners&source=bl&ots=bwu6 XFwG1a&sig=f35MpQImieLSpQ_lSyTtZUVpQyQ&hl= de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8hrukiafNAhXEPRQKHW20 AUAQ6AEIMTAC#v=onepage&q=Wilkinson%2C%20 George.%20Sketches%20of%20Chinese%20customs% 20%26%20manners&f=false. |
Publication / WilkG1 |