# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1813 |
Milburn, William. Oriental commerce; containing a geographical description of the principal places in the East Indies, China, and Japan, with their produce, manufactures, and trade. Vol. 1-2. (London : Black, Parry & co., 1813). = Milburn, William ; Thornton, Thomas. Oriental commerce, or, The East India trader's complete guide : containing a geographical and nautical description of the maritime parts of India, China, Japan, and neighbouring countries ; with an account of their respective commerce. (London : Printed for Kingsbury, Parbury, and Allen, 1825). https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001123449. https://archive.org/details/Orientalcommerc00Milb. |
Publication / Milb1 | |
2 | 1819 |
Thornton, Thomas. A Compendium of the laws and regulations concerning the trade with the East Indies ; the duties of customs and excise and the duties payable on British and foreign merchandise exported to the East Indies and China. Fourth edition, corrected to July, 1819. (London : Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, 1819). https://books.google.ch/books?id=QJ9VAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA3&lpg=PA3&dq=Thornton,+Thomas.+ A+Compendium+of+the+laws+and+regulations+concerning+the+trade+with+the+East+Indies&source =bl&ots=ElPw6lYg95&sig=ACfU3U3HwLt9ddL_kcGl3c-qVFAsyMzCxQ&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUK EwiwzILO3PziAhWnM-wKHc6DB7YQ6AEwA3oECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=Thornton%2C%20Thomas .%20A%20Compendium%20of%20the%20laws%20and%20regulations%20concerning%20the%20trade %20with%20the%20East%20Indies&f=false. |
Publication / ThorT2 |
3 | 1844 |
Thornton, Thomas. A history of China, from the earliest records to the treaty with Great Britain in 1842. (London : W.H. Allen, 1844). https://books.google.ch/books?id=pn5EAQAAMAAJ&pg=PR3&lpg= PR3&dq=Thornton,+Thomas.+A+history+of+China,&source=bl&ots= 9mMMlsab9V&sig=9RKovIamLBxsXzBZYJaB1NbdPko&hl=de&sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwjSx_yhz5rNAhXEbhQKHQaYA1oQ6AEIITAA#v= onepage&q=Thornton%2C%20Thomas.%20A%20history%20of% 20China%2C&f=false. |
Publication / ThorT1 |