# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1841 |
Ouchterlony, John. A statistical sketch of the Island of Chusan, with a brief note on the geology of China. London : Pelham Richardson, 1841). [Zhoushan, Zhejiang]. https://books.google.ch/books?id=JmkLAAAAIAAJ&pg=PR3 &lpg=PR3&dq=Ouchterlony,+John.+A+statistical+sketch+of+ the+Island+of+Chusan,&source=bl&ots=EXSnAFrPQX&sig= 5As8PNaWCsTwuD_odshvcTt_4Mg&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ah UKEwjcu9SFt4_UAhVDVhoKHXnFBhkQ6AEIWzAO#v=onep age&q=Ouchterlony%2C%20John.%20A%20statistical%20ske tch%20of%20the%20Island%20of%20Chusan%2C&f=false. |
Publication / Ouch2 |
2 | 1844 |
Ouchterlony, John. The Chinese war : an account of all the operations of the British forces from the commencement to the Treaty of Nanking. (London : Saunders and Otley, 1844). https://archive.org/details/chinesewaraccoun00ouchrich. |
Publication / Ouch1 |