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Krausse, Alexis Sidney

(1859-1904) : Journalist, Autor


History of Media / Index of Names : Occident

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1900 Krausse, Alexis Sidney. China in decay : the story of a disappearing empire. (London : Chapmann & Hall, 1900).
Publication / Krau1
2 1900 Krausse, Alexis Sidney. The Far East, its history and its question. (New York, N.Y. : Dutton ; London : G. Richards, 1900).
Publication / Krau2
3 1900 Krausse, Alexis Sidney. The story of the Chinese crisis. (London : Cassell and Co., 1900).
Publication / Krau3