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Foster, Amy

(Ende 19.-Anfang 20. Jh.) : Missionarin London Missionary Society, Gattin von Arnold Foster


History : China - Europe : England / Index of Names : Occident / Religion : Christianity

Bibliography (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1899 Foster, Amy. In the valley of the Yangtse. (London : London Missionary Society, 1899). [Yangzi].
Publication / Fost1
2 1909 Foster, Amy. Chinese schoolgirls in the Valley of the Yangtse. (London : London Missionary Society, 1909). [Yangzi]. Publication / Fost2
3 1916 [Foster, Amy]. An English and Chinese pocket dictionary, in the Mandarin dialect. By Mrs. Arnold Foster. (Shanghai : Edward Evans, 1916).
Publication / Fost3