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Abbiati, Magda

(um 2014) : Professore ordinario, Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea, Università Ca'Foscari, Venezia


Index of Names : Occident / Sinology and Asian Studies : Europe : Italy

Bibliography (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1986 China in Venice : from the Han dynasty to Marco Polo : catalogue edited by the Museum of Chinese History in Peking, the Seminar of Chinese Language and Literature of the University of Venice, the Italian Institute for the Middle and Far-East (IsMEO). Chinese texts translated by Magda Abbiati and Mario Sabattini ; explanatory panels by Roberto Ciarla ; English translations by Dorothy Hay and Jacqueline De Diana. (Milan : Electa, 1986). Publication / Cia8
2 2014 I liuto e i libri : studi in onore di Mario Sabattini. A cura di Magda Abbiati, Federico Greselin. (Venezia : Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2014).
Publication / Sab6