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Shoberl, Frederic

(London 1775-1853 London) : Journalist, Herausgeber, Übersetzer, Schriftsteller, Illustrator

Name Alternative(s)

Shoberl, Frederick


Art : Painting and Calligraphy / History of Media / Index of Names : Occident / Translator

Bibliography (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1823 Shoberl, Frederic. China : containing illustrations of the manners, customs, character and costumes of the people of that empire. Accompanied by thirty coloured engravings. Vol. 1-2. (London : Printed for R. Ackermann, 1823). (World in miniature). Publication / Sho3
2 1824 Shoberl, Frederic. Tibet, and India beyond the Ganges : containing a description of the character, manners, customs, dress, religion, amusements, &c. of the nations inhabiting those countries. (London : Printed for R. Ackermann, Repository of Arts, 1824). (World in miniature ; vol. 37). Publication / Shob1