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Jiao, Tong

(Gaoxiong, Taiwan 1956-) : Schriftsteller, Dichter

Name Alternative(s)

Ye, Zhenfu


Index of Names : China / Literature : China / Periods : China : People's Republic (1949-)

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1998 Jiao, Tong. A passage to the city : selected poems (1980-1996) = Cheng shi guo du : Jiao Tong shi xuan (1980-1996). Ed. by He Shuwei ; transl. by He Shuwei, Raphael John Schulte. (Taibei : Shu lin chu ban you xian gong si, 1998).
城市過渡: 焦桐詩選
Publication / JiaoT1