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Liao, Bosen

(um 1995)


Index of Names : China

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1995 [Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan]. Sailesi shu shu. Lefalu yuan zhu ; Liao Bosen yi. (Taizhong : Long han zong jing xiao, 1995). (Shi jie wen xue jing dian ku ; 10). Übersetzung von Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. Uncle Silas : a tale of Bertram-Haugh. (London : Richard Bentley, 1864).
Publication / LeFa1
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Le Fanu, Joseph Thomas Sheridan