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Lear, Edward

(Highgate 1812-1888 San Remo) : Maler, Illustrator, Schriftsteller, Dichter


Art : Painting and Calligraphy / Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1969 [Lear, Edward]. Xiao peng you huan you shi jie. Aidehua Lier zhu ; Danli Maike [Stanley Mack] hui ; Hu Rusen yi. (Taibei : Guo yu ri bao she, 1969). (Shi jie er tong wen xue ming zhu ; 105). Übersetzung von Lear, Edward. The story of the four little children who went round the world. In : Lear, Edward. Nonsense songs, stories, botany, and alphabets. (London : Robert John Bush, 1871).
Publication / Lear1