# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1968 |
Rawson, Philip S. Erotic art of the East : the sexual theme in oriental painting and sculpture. Introd. by Alex Comfort. (New York, N.Y. : Putnam, 1968). [Betr. Indien, Islam, China, Japan]. = Rawson, Philip S. Die erotische Kunst des Ostens. (Hamburg : Hoffmann & Campe, 1969). |
Publication / RawP1 |
2 | 1973 |
Rawson, Philip S. ; Legeza, Laszio. Tao : the Chinese philosophy of time and change. (London : Thames and Hudson, 1973). (Art and imagination). = Rawson, Philip S. ; Legeza, Laszio. Tao : die Philosophie von Sein und Werden. (München : Droemer, 1974). |
Publication / RawP2 |