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Connolly, Cyril

(Coventry, Warwickshire 1903-1974 London : Literaturkritiker, Herausgeber von "Horizon"

Name Alternative(s)

Connolly, Cyril Vernon


History of Media / Index of Names : Occident / Literature : Occident : Great Britain

Bibliography (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1988 [Connolly, Cyril]. Xian dai zhu yi dai biao zuo 100 zhong. Xi Kangnuoli, An Bajisi zhu ; Li Wenjun deng yi. (Guangxi : Lijiang chu ban she, 1988). Übersetzung von Connolly, Cyril. The modern movement : one hundred key books from England, France, and America, 1880-1950. (New York, N.Y. Atheneum, 1966).
Publication / Conn1