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Atkinson, Thomas Witlam

(Yorkshire 1799-1861 Kent) : Reiseschriftsteller


Index of Names : Occident

Bibliography (2)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1858 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and western Siberia : a narrative of seven years' exploration and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and a part of central Asia. With a map and numerous illustrations. (London : Hurst and Blackett 1858). [Bericht der Reise 1846-1853].
Publication / Atk1
2 2000 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Heng kua Ya Zhou da lu. Etuojinxun zhu ; Shen Qing, Ji Yuanzhong yi. (Wulumuqi : Xinjiang ren min chu ban she, 2000). Übersetzung von Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and western Siberia : a narrative of seven years' exploration and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and a part of central Asia. With a map and numerous illustrations. (London : Hurst and Blackett 1858).
Publication / Atk2