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James, Henry (2)

(Rose in Vale, Cornwall 1803-1877 Southampton) : Offizier, Director-general of the Ordnance Survey, British Government mapping agency

Name Alternative(s)

James, Henry Sir


Index of Names : Occident

Bibliography (5)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1859 James, Henry Sir. Map of the country round Pekin : copied from the Chinese map of Asia 1860. (Southampton : Topographical Dept. War Office, 1859). Publication / JameH5
2 1860 James, Henry Sir. Sketch showing the preparations made for breaching the wall of Pekin, 11th & 12th October, 1860. (Southampton ) : Topl. Depot, War Office, 1860). [Karte]. Publication / JameH1
3 1860 James, Henry Sir. Sketch to illustrate the movements of the Allied Forces in China : from the landing at Pehtang on the 1st August, to the capture of the Taku Forts 21st 1860. (Southhampton : Topl. Depot, War Office, 1860). [Karte]. Publication / JameH2
4 1860 James, Henry Sir. Plan of the country between Pekin and Gulf of Pe-Chili shewing the route of the Allied Forces, 1860. (Southampton : Topographical Dept. of the War Office, 1860). [Karte]. Publication / JameH4
5 1862 James, Henry Sir. Itinerary from Maimachin (Kiakhta) to Peking : from a sketch made in 1858. (Southampton : Topl. Dept. War Office, 1862). [Karte]. Publication / JameH3