# | Year | Bibliographical Data | Type / Abbreviation | Linked Data |
1 | 1898 |
Landor, Arnold Henry Savage. In the forbidden land : an account of a journey in Tibet, capture by the Tibetan authorities, imprisonment, torture, and ultimate release ; also various official documents, including the enquiry and report by J. Larkin, appointed by the government of India. (London : W. Heinemann, 1898). http://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/dms/werkansicht/?PPN=PPN65625193X&DMDID=DMDLOG_0001. = Landor, Arnold Henry Savage. Auf verbotenen Wegen : Reisen & Abenteuer in Tibet . (Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus, 1899). |
Publication / Land1 |
2 | 1902 |
Landor, Arnold Henry Savage. China and the allies. With ill. and maps. (London : Heinemann, 1901). [Boxer-Aufstand]. https://archive.org/details/chinaallies01landuoft. |
Publication / LandA1 |