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Yuan, Zhenying

(Guangdong 1894-1979) : Sekretär der Chinese Anarchist-Communist Association


Communism / Marxism / Leninism / Index of Names : China

Chronology Entries (4)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1918 Yuan, Zhenying. Kui lei jia ting [ID D26170].
Er schreibt : "In 1879, the play Nora was published. The play is sometimes also calles A doll's house or The model family and is the most famous of Ibsen's best works. The purpose of the play is to expose hypocrisy in society as well as in the family. In this play, a woman's place in the family is compared to that of a bird in a golden cage. In this way, the evils of the family are revealed. A woman has her own duties, which are not in taking care of the hunsband and the children, but in her own education, independence and freedom as a real human being."
Tam Kwok-kan : As for Ghosts, Yuan regards it as a sequel to A doll's house and he thinks that the tragedy of Mrs. Alving lies precisely in her cowardice, whereas Nora's leaving homs "shows to women a hopeful future. She is an angel of revolution and a ringing bell to society". Comparing the two plays, Yuan affirms that while Ghosts is a tragedy of heredity, A doll's house is one of marriage. An enemy of the people, Yuan furthermore asserts, is a sequel to A doll's house and Ghosts. While Mars. Alving succumbs to social expectation, Dr. Stockmann revolts against it. Concerning the theme of An enemy of the people, Yuan hold the same conviction as Hu Shi that "the minority are necessarily correct, and the majority not". Yuan's study of Ibsen's plays provided the Chinese some basic ideas of the dramatist.
  • Document: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China : reception and influence. (Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois, Graduate College, 1984). Diss. Univ. of Illinois, 1984. S. 47-48. (Ibs115, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
2 1920.10.06 Letter from Johnson Yuan [Yuan Zhenying] 6 Yu Yang Li, Avenue Joffre, Shanghai, to Bertrand Russell ; 6 Oct. 1920. In : Xin qing nian ; 6. Okt. (1920).
Dear Sir, We are very glad to have the greatest social philosopher of world to arrive here in China, so as to salve the Chronic deseases of the thought of Chinese Students. Since 1919, the student's circle seems to be the greatest hope of the future of China ; as they are ready to welcome to have revolutionary era in the society of China. In that year, Dr John Dewey had influenced the intellectual class with great success.
But I dare to represent most of the Chinese Students to say a few words to you :
Although Dr Dewey is successful here, but most of our students are not satisfied with his conservative theory. Because most of us want to acquire the knowledge of Anarchism, Syndicalism, Socialism, etc. ; in a word, we are anxious to get the knowledge of the social revolutionary philosophy. We are the followers of Mr Kropotkin, and our aim is to have anarchical society in China. We hope you, Sir, to give us fundamentally the thorough Social philosophy, based on Anarchism. Moreover, we want you to recorrect the theory of Dr Dewey, the American Philosopher. We hope you have the absolute freedom in China, not the same as in England. So we hope you to have a greater success than Dr Dewey here.
I myself am old member of the Peking Govt. University, and met you in Shanghai many times, the first time is in 'The Great Oriental Hotel', the first time of your reception here, in the evening.
The motto, you often used, of Lao-Tzu ought to be changed in the first word, as 'Creation without Possession…' is better than the former translative ; and it is more correctly according to what you have said 'the creative impulsive and the possessive impulse'. Do you think it is right ?
Your Fraternally Comrade Johnson Yuan (Secretary of the Chinese Anarchist-Communist Association).
  • Document: Russell, Bertrand. Autobiography. Vol. 1-3. With an introduction by Michael Foot. (London : Routledge, 1967-1969). = (London : Routledge, 1998). Chap. 10 : China. [Text über Japan wurde ausgelassen. Briefe, die mit China zu tun haben sind chronologisch eingetragen]. (Russ9, Publication)
  • Person: Dewey, John
  • Person: Russell, Bertrand
3 1927 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng she hui zhe xue [ID D26249].
Yuan schreibt : "Ibsen is advocating the 'individual I' as if telling us that 'if you want to change society, you must begin with the individual'. The individual has to recapture the original character within himself, because he must not be influenced by society, he must stand on his own. He must throw away the false traditions, search for truth and enlightenment and restore his own abilities in order so serve with all his might the future of society. Indeed Ibsen is a leader of the society. Social sensibilities must develop in an enlightened manner."
Elisabeth Eide : Yuan summed up Ibsen's negative aspects in the following matter : religion was totally unsuited to the twentieth century because it made people negative. To Ibsen there was no substantial difference between the negative aspects of religion and those of plitics. Both suppressed independent thought. Ibsen's reason for attacking the traditional press was that he wanted to pave the way for a new press with 'real and true' freedom. Ibsen treated the theme of the traditional family in several of his plays. The traditional marriage was based on material considerations, hence men naturally exploited women. Present day education merely ruined the individual's vitality.
  • Document: Eide, Elisabeth. China's Ibsen : From Ibsen to Ibsenism. (London : Curzon Press, 1987). (Monograph series / Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies ; no 55). S. 133-134. (Ibs104, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
4 1928 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng de nü xing zhu yi [ID D26262].
Yuan schreibt : "Ibsen was a feminist. He wanted to create strong, pure women, but within this corrupt society there is no place for them. In order not to succumb to attack women need an impenetrable fortress of principles and knowledge."
  • Document: Eide, Elisabeth. China's Ibsen : From Ibsen to Ibsenism. (London : Curzon Press, 1987). (Monograph series / Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies ; no 55). S. 87. (Ibs104, Publication)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik

Bibliography (7)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1918 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng zhuan. In : Xin Qing nian ; vol. 4, no 6 (1918). [Abhandlung über Henrik Ibsen].
Publication / Ibs92
  • Cited by: Tam, Kwok-kan. Ibsen in China 1908-1997 : a critical-annotated bibliography of criticism, translation and performance. (Hong Kong : Chinese Univesity Press, 2001). (Ibs1, Published)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
2 1920 Yuan, Zhenying ; Yan, Sheng. Jin dai xi ju da jia yi bu sheng zhuan. (Guangdong : Xin xue sheng she, 1920). [Biographie von Henrik Ibsen].
Publication / Ibs87
3 1920 [Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich]. Wu zhi dang zhi dao de. = Xin qing nian zhi xin dao de. Kelupaotejin zhu ; Yuan Zhenying yi shu. (Guangdong : Shi she, 1920). (Shi she cong shu ; 1). Übersetzung von Kropotkin, Petr. Alekseevich. Anarchist morality. (San Francisco : Free Society, 1898).
無治黨之道德 = 新青年之道德
Publication / Krop28
  • Cited by: Worldcat/OCLC (WC, Web)
  • Person: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich
4 1927 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng she hui zhe xue. (Shanghai : Tai dong tu shu ju, 1927). [Abhandlung über Henrik Ibsen].
Publication / Ibs91
5 1928 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng zhuan. (Guangzhou : Shou kuang chu ban bu, 1928). [Abhandlung über Henrik Ibsen].
Publication / Ibs103
6 1928 Yuan, Zhenying. Yibusheng de nü xing zhu yi. In : Tai dong yue kan ; vol. 2, no 3 (Nov. 1928).
Publication / ibs105
  • Cited by: Eide, Elisabeth. China's Ibsen : From Ibsen to Ibsenism. (London : Curzon Press, 1987). (Monograph series / Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies ; no 55). (Ibs104, Published)
  • Person: Ibsen, Henrik
7 1928 [Wilde, Oscar]. She hui zhu yi yu ge ren zhu yi. Wangerde zhu ; Yuan Zhenying fan yi. (Xianggang : Shou kuang chu ban bu, 1928). Übersetzung von Wilde, Oscar. Soul of man under socialism. In : Fortnightly review ; Febr. 1891).
社會主義与個人主義 / 王爾德著袁振英翻译
Publication / WilO81