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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 1742-1750
Huquier, Gabriel. Livre de différentes espèces d'oiseaux, insectes, plantes, fleurs et trophées de la Chine. Tirés du Cabinet du Roi. (Paris : Huquier, um 1742-1750).
Publication / HuqG1
2 1743
Lockman, John. Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world ; compiled from their letters. Now first attempted in English ; Intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, religion, &c. of the several nations visited by those fathers : with extracts from other travellers, and miscellaneous notes. Vol. 1-2. (London : J. Noon, 1743). Übersetzung von : Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des missions étrangères par quelques missionnaires de la compagnie de Jesus.
Publication / Lock2
3 1743
Attiret, Jean-Denis. Lettre sur les jardins chinois de l'empereur. In : Lettres édifiantes et curieuses [ID D1793].
Attiret, Jean-Denis. A particular account of the Emperor of China's gardens. In : Fugitive pieces, on various subjects. By several authors. (Dublin : Printed for Peter Wilson, 1762).
Publication / AttJ1
4 1744
Kögler, Ignaz ; Haller von Hallerstein, August. Yi xiang kao cheng. ([S.l. : s.n.], 1744). [Abhandlung über astronomische Instrumente].
Publication / Kög4
5 1744
Candidius, Georgius. A short account of the island of Formosa in the Indies, situate near the coast of China, and of the manners, customs, and religions of its inhabitants. (London : Printed by Messrs. Churchill for Hentry Lintot and John Osborn, 1744).
Publication / CanG1
6 1744-1779
Uebersetzung der Algemeinen Welthistorie die in England durch eine Gesellschaft von Gelehrten ausgefertigt worden. Nebst den Anmerkungen der holländischen Uebersetzung auch vielen neuen Kupfern und Karten. Siegmund Jakob Baumgaren, Johann Christoph Gatterer, Johann Friedrich Le Bret, Johann Georg Meusel, August Ludwig von Schlözer, Johann Salomo Semler. (Halle : J.J. Gebauer, 1744-1779). Übersetzung von An universal history, from the earliest account of time. George Sale, George Psalmanazar, Archibald Bower, George Shelvocke, John Campbell, John Swinton. Vol. 1-65. (London : Printed for T. Osborne, 1747-1768). Bd. 2 und Bd. 4 enthalten chinesische Geschichte.
Publication / Baum2
7 1744
Anson, George. An authentic account of Commodore Anson's expedition : containing all that was remarkable, curious and entertaining, during that long and dangerous voyage : taken from a private journal. (London : Printed for M. Cooper, 1744).
Publication / AnsG1
8 1745
Thomas, Pascoe. A true and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-seas, and round the globe, in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, under the command of commodore George Anson : together with some historical accounts of Chili, Peru, Mexico, and the empire of China : to which is added, a large and general table of longitudes and latitudes. By Pascoe Thomas, teacher of the mathematics on board the Centurion. (London : S. Birt, 1745).
Publication / Thom1
9 1745-1747
Green, John ; Astley, Thomas. A new general collection of voyages and travels ; consisting of the most esteemed relations, which have been hitherto published in any language ; comprehending every thing remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America : with respect to the several empires, kingdoms, and provinces ; their situation, extent, bounds and division, climate, soil and produce ; their lakes, rivers, mountains, cities, principal towns, harbours, buildings, &c. and the gradual alterations that from time to time have happened in each ; also the manners and customs of the several inhabitants ; their religion and government, arts and sciences, trades and manufactures ; so as to form a compleat system of modern geography and history, exhibiting the present state of all nations ... (London : Printed for Thomas Astley, 1745-1747).
Vol. 3 : Voyages and travels to Guinea, Benin, Kongo and Angola ; Description of Loango, Kongo, Angola, Benguela, and adjacent countries ; Description of the countries along the eastern coast of Africa, from Cape of Good Hope to Cape Guarda Fuy ; Voyages and travels in China, 1655-1722. [Enthält] : Gaubil, Antoine. The journey ... from Kanton to Pe-king, in 1722.
Vol. 4 : Description of China, of Korea, eastern Tartary and Tibet ; Travels through Tartary, Tibet, and Bukharia, to and from China, 1246-1698.
Publication / Green1
10 1745
Ottens, Reinier ; Ottens, Josua. Orientaliora Indiarum Orientalium com insulis adjacentibus a promontorio C. Comorin ad Iapan = Pascaert van t'Ooster gedeelte van Oost Indien van C. Comorin tot Iapan. (Amsterdam : Gedr. by R. & I. Ottens, 1745). [Darin enthalten ist eine Asienkarte mit China].
Publication / Ott1
11 1746-1747
Journal hallen pa'resan till Canton i China, med Höglofl. ostindiska compts skiepp Cronprintzen Adolph Friedrich, som commenderades af capitain herr Matthias Estbergen till Giotheborg men der emottogs af capitain herr Petter Dens; innehallande de märckwürdigaste händelser, och observationer som under resan ifran dess begynnelse ahr 1745 till dess slut ahr 1748 äro arriverade och uptecknade. Von Israel Israelsson Reinius; Herman Johan Reinius; Birgit Lunelund. (Helsingfors : [Mercators tryckeri], 1939. [Israel Reinius reist 1746 mit der Cronprintzen Adolph Friedrich und kommt 1747 in Guangzhou an, kehrt 1748 nach Gothenburg zurück].
Publication / Reini1
12 1747-1768
An universal history, from the earliest account of time. George Sale, George Psalmanazar, Archibald Bower, George Shelvocke, John Campbell, John Swinton. Vol. 1-65. (London : Printed for T. Osborne, 1747-1768). = The modern part of An universal history. Vol. 7 (1759) enthält 521 S. über China].
Publication / Sale10
13 1747
Costard, George. On the Chinese chronology and astronomy. In : Philosophical transactions (1747).
Publication / Cost2
14 1747-1774
Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande ; oder, Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis itzo in verschiedenen Sprachen von allen Völkern herausgegeben worden… durch eine Gesellschaft gelehrter Männer im englischen zusammen getragen, und aus Demselben ins deutsch übersetzet.. Bd. 1-21. Übers. von Johann Joachim Schwabe, Abraham Gotthelf Kästner. (Leipzig : Arkstee und Merkus, 1747-1774). Vol. 1-7 übers. von A new general collection of voyages. (London : T. Astley, 1745-1747). Vol. 8, 10-13, 15-21 übers. von Prévost d’Exiles [et al.]. Histoire générale des voyages. Vol. 6 = China
Publication / Allg10
15 1747
Bowen, Emanuel. A complete system of geography : being a description of all the countries, islands, cities... &c. of the known world : shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries, of the several empires, kingdoms, republics, principalities, provinces &c. The whole illustrated with seventy maps by Emanuel Bowen ; being all new-drawn and ingraved according to the latest discoveries and surveys ; making of themselves, a complete atlas ; this work, extracted from several hundred books of travels and history, is brought down to the present time ; preserving all that is useful in the fourth and last edition of the Complete geographer, publish'd under the name of Herman Moll. (London : Printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, 1747).
[Enthält] : A new & accurate map of China : drawn from surveys made by the Jesuit missionaries, by order of the Emperor : the whole being regulated by numerous astronomical observations.
Publication / BowE2
16 1747-1749
Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Ausführliche Beschreibung des Chinesischen Reichs und der grossen Tartary. Aus dem Französischen mit Fleiss übersetzet, nebst vielen Kupfern ; mit einer Vorrede Sr. Hochwürden, Herrn Abt. Mosheims, darin die neuesten chinesischen Kirchengeschichte erzählet werden. Bd. 1-4. (Rostock : Johann Christian Koppe, 1747-1749). Übersetzung von Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'empire de Chine et de la Tartarie chinois enrichie de cartes générales et particulières et ornée d'un grand nombre de figures et de vignettes gravées en taille douce. (Paris : G. Le Mercier, 1735 ; La Haye : H. Scheurleer, 1736).
Régis, Jean-Baptiste. Observations géographiques & historiques sur la carte du Thibet, contenant les terres du Grand Lama, & des pays voisins qui en dépendent jusqu'à la sourve du Gange, tirées des mémoires du père Régis.
Prémare, Joseph Henri-Marie de. Tchao-chi-cou-eulh, ou l'Orphelin de la maison de Tchao : tragédie chinoise.
Bouvet, Joachim. Journal de voyage de Canton.
Karten von Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville.
Publication / DuH1
17 1748
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de. De l'esprit des loix ; ou du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernement, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, & c. à quoi l'auteur a ajouté des recherches nouvelles sur les loix romaines touchant les successions, sur les loix françoises, & sur les loix féodales. Livres I-XXXI. (Paris : Barillot & fils, 1748). = Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de. De l'esprit des loix = De l'esprit des lois... Vol. 1-3. Nouv. éd., rev. & augmentée par l'auteur, & de son Éloge par M. Dalemberg. (Amsterdam : Par la Compagnie, 1758). (Meilleurs auteurs classiques francais & étrangers). = http://classiques.uqac.ca/classiques/montesquieu/de_esprit_des_lois/de_esprit_des_lois_tdm.html.
Publication / Mont3
18 1748
Anson, George. A voyage round the world in the years M.DCC.XL.I.II.II.IV. Compiled from his papers and materials by Richard Walter. (London : Printed for the author by J. and P. Knapton, 1748). [1742 wird die beschädigte Centurion in Macao geflickt und Ersatz für die ertrunkenen Seeleute gefunden. 1744 besiegt Anson ein spanisches Schiff und verkauft seinen Gewinn in Guangzhou (Guangdong). Erstes Buch eines Engländers, das aus eigenen Erfahrungen geschrieben wurde. Anson wird 1739-1740 von Thomas Salmon begleitet].
Publication / Anso-Walt1
19 1748
Serrano, Francisco. La Christiandad de Fogan en la Provincia de Fokien en el Imperio de China cruelmente perseguida por el imperio Chen Hio-Kien Virrey de dicha Provincia : relacion diaria... con vna breve noticia del Martyrio del V. Illmo. Señor D. Fr. Pedro Martyr Sanz, Obispo. (Manila : Por el Cap. D. Geronimo Correa de Castro, 1748). [Fujian].
Publication / SerF1
20 1748
Diderot, Denis. Les bijoux indiscrets. Vol. 1-2. (Monomotapa [i.e. Paris] : [s.n.], 1748). [Enthält Chinoiserien].
Publication / Did16

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