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# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation
1 2008
Liu, Ts'un-yan
Publication / LiuT
2 2008
Gu, Zhengxiang. Gede Han yi yu yan jiu zong mu (1878-2007). (Beijing : Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she, 2008). [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in chinesischer Übersetzung und Forschung : eine kommentierte Bibliographie].
歌德研究目 (1878-2007) 正祥著 北京 : 中央出版社
Publication / GuZ20
3 2008
Uroffenbarung und Daoismus : jesuitische Missionshermeneutik des Daoismus. Eingel., erstmalig hrsg., übers. und erläutert von Claudia von Collani, Harald Holz, Konrad Wegmann. (München : Europäischer Universitätsverlag, 2008). (Daodejing-Forschung ; Bd. 1).
Publication / Weg9
4 2008
Dickson, Bruce J. Wealth and power in contemporary China : the Communist party's embrace of the private sector. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Publication / DickB7
5 2008
Web / UBi2
6 2008
Different worlds of discourse : transformations of gender and genre in late Qing and early Republican China. Ed. by Nanxiu Qian, Grance S. Fong, and Richard J. Smith. (Leiden : Brill, 2008). (China studies ; vol. 16). [Conference 'Beyond tradition and modernity' 4-6 March 2005].
Publication / Smi16
7 2008
Smith, Richard J. Fathoming the cosmos and ordering the world : the Yijing (I ching, or Classic of changes) and its evolution in China. (Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2008). (Richard lectures). [Yi jing].
Publication / Smi17
8 2008
Bol, Peter K. Neo-confucianism in history. (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Council on East Asian, 2008).
Publication / Bol1
9 2008
Bol, Peter K.
Person / Bol
10 2008
Seligman, Adam B. ; Weller, Robert P. ; Puett, Michael J. ; Simon, Bennett. Ritual and its consequences : an essay on the limits of sincerity. (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008).
Publication / Pue1
11 2008
Ebrey, Patricia Buckley. Accumulating culture : the collections of emperor Huizong. (Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press, 2008).
Publication / Ebr17
12 2008
Women practicing buddhism : American experiences. Ed. by Peter N. Gregory and Susanne Mrozik. (Boston : Wisdom Publications, 2008).
Publication / Greg9
13 2008
Barmé, Geremie R. The Forbidden City. (London : Profile Books ; Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008). (Wonders of the world).
Publication / Barm5
14 2008
The Cambridge companion to modern Chinese culture. Ed. by Kam Louie. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008). (Cambridge companions to culture).
Publication / Lou3
15 2008
Kohn, Livia. Introducing daoism. (New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2008). (World religions).
Publication / Kohn17
16 2008
Kohn, Livia. Meditation works : in the daoist, buddhist, and hindu traditions. (Magdalen, New Mexico : Three Pines Press, 2008).
Publication / Kohn18
17 2008
Kohn, Livia. Chinese healing exercises : the tradition of daoyin. (Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawai'i Press, 2008).
Publication / Kohn19
18 2008
Chan, Hok-lam. Legends of the building of old Peking. (Seattle, Wash. : University of Washington Press, 2008). [Beijing].
Publication / ChanH5
19 2008
Schuyler van Rensselaer Cammann : http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0DE4DA1531F933A15752C1A962958260.
Web / Camm8
20 2008
[De Man, Paul]. Yue du de yu yan : Lusuo, Nicai, Li’erke he Pulusite de bi yu yu yan. Bao’er De Man zhu ; Sheng Yong yi. (Tianjin : Tianjin ren min chu ban she, 2008). (Yelu xue pai jie gou zhu yi pi ping yi cong). Übersetzung von De Man, Paul. Allegories of reading : figural language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust. (New Haven : Yale University Press, 1979).
阅读的寓言 : 卢梭尼采里尔克和普鲁斯特的比喻语言
Publication / Nie200

1 2 ... 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 ... 2192 2193