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Mentioned People (1)

Lee, Rose Hum  (Butte, Montana 1904-1964 Phoenix) : Soziologin, Professorin für Soziologie Roosevelt University, Phoenix College


References / Sources

Chronology Entries (12)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1931-1936 Rose Hum Lee arbeitet am Guangdong Raw Silk Texting Bureau in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
2 1936-1938 Rose Hum Lee arbeitet bei der National City Bank of New York und der Sun Life Assurance Company in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
3 1937-1938 Rose Hum Lee arbeitet bem Guangdong Municipal Telephone Exchange in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
4 1937 Rose Hum Lee arbeitet für die Red Cross Women's War Relief Association, die Overseas Relief Unit und das Guangdong Emergency Committee for the Relief of Refugees in Guangzhou (Guangdong). Beim Einfall der Japaner wird sie Mitarbeiterin des Radios.
5 1939 Rose Hum Lee kehrt nach Amerika zurück.
6 1942 Rose Hum Lee erhält den B.A. of science in social work des Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh.
7 1943 Rose Hum Lee erhält den M.A. des Sociology Department der University of Chicago School of Social Work and Administration.
8 1945-1955 Rose Hum Lee ist Dozentin am Sociology Department der Roosevelt University in Chicago.
9 1947 Rose Hum Lee promoviert in Soziologie der University of Chicago School of Social Work and Administration.
10 1956-1959 Rose Hum Lee ist Dozentin des Lehrstuhls des Sociology Department der Roosevelt University in Chicago.
11 1959-1961 Rose Hum Lee ist Professorin des Sociology Department der Roosevelt University in Chicago.
12 1961-1964 Rose Hum Lee ist Professorin für Soziologie am Phoenix College in Phoenix.

Sources (3)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 1947 Lee, Rose Hum. The growth and decline of Rocky Mountain chinatowns. (Chicago : [s.n.], 1947). Diss. Univ. of Chicago School of Social Work and Administration. Publication / Lee2
2 1949 Lee, Rose Hum. The decline of chinatowns in the United States. ([S.l. : s.n., 1949). Publication / Lee3
3 1960 Lee, Rose Hum. The Chinese in the United States of America. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1960). Publication / Lee4