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Rose Hum Lee arbeitet bei der National City Bank of New York und der Sun Life Assurance Company in Guangzhou (Guangdong).

Mentioned People (1)

Lee, Rose Hum  (Butte, Montana 1904-1964 Phoenix) : Soziologin, Professorin für Soziologie Roosevelt University, Phoenix College


History : China - United States of America

Documents (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2006 Rose Hum Lee biography : http://www.bookrags.com/biography-rose-hum-lee/index.html. Web / Lee1
  • Source: Lee, Rose Hum. The growth and decline of Rocky Mountain chinatowns. (Chicago : [s.n.], 1947). Diss. Univ. of Chicago School of Social Work and Administration. (Lee2, Publication)
  • Source: Lee, Rose Hum. The decline of chinatowns in the United States. ([S.l. : s.n., 1949). (Lee3, Publication)
  • Source: Lee, Rose Hum. The Chinese in the United States of America. (Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, 1960). (Lee4, Publication)