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“Britain and the China trade 1635-1842” (Publication, 1926)




Britain and the China trade 1635-1842. Vol. 1-10. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1926). [Neuaufl. London ; New York : Routledge, 2000).
Vol. 1-5 : Morse, H[osea] B[allou]. The chronicles of the East India Company, trading to China 1635-1834.
Vol. 6 : Pritchard, Earl H. The crucial years of early Anglo-Chinese relations, 1750-1800.
Vol. 7 : Pritchard, Earl H. The inscructions of the East India Company to Lord Macartney on his embassy to China and his reports to the company, 1792-4. Pritchard. Cranmer-Byng, L[auncelot] L. Lord Macarntney's embassy to Peking in 1793.
Vol. 8: Macartney, [George] ; Cranmer-Byng L[auncelot] L. An embassy to China : being the journal kept by Lord Macartney during his embassy to the emperor Ch'ien-lung, 1793-1794. Carnmer-Byng, J[ohn] L[auncelot]. An embassy to China : Lord Macarney's journal 1793-1795.
Vol. 9 : Greenberg, Michael. British trade and the opening of China, 1800-1842. Spence, Jonathan. Opium smoking in Ch'ing China.
Vol. 10 : Staunton, George Thomas. Notes of proceedings and occurrences during the British embassy to Peking in 1816. (Bri2)



Contributors (6)

Cranmer-Byng, Launcelot  (Coghurst Hall, Sussex 1872-1945 Great Easton bei Dunmow) : Orientalist, Sinologe, Ratsherr

Greenberg, Michael  (Manchester, Lancashire 1914-1992) : Wirtschaftswissenschaftler China, Historiker

Morse, Hosea Ballou  (Brookfield, Nova Scotia, Kanada 1855-1934 Camberley, Surrey) : Amerikanischer Beamter Chinese Maritime Customs Service

Pritchard, Earl H.  (Pullman, Wash. 1907-1995 Tucson, Ariz.) : Professor of Oriental Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson

Spence, Jonathan D.  (Surrey 1936-) : Sterling Professor of History Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

Staunton, George Thomas  (Milford House bei Salisbury, Wiltshire 1781-1859 London) : Politiker


Economics and Trade / History : China - Europe : England