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“Purchas his pilgrimage or relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the creation vnto this present : In foure partes : this first containeth a theologicall and geographicall histoire of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent ; declaring the ancient religions before the foud... with briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries, priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same” (Publication, 1613)




Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage or relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the creation vnto this present : In foure partes : this first containeth a theologicall and geographicall histoire of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent ; declaring the ancient religions before the foud... with briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries, priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same. By Samuel Purchas, minister at Estwood in Essex. (London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, 1613).
[Enthält] : Purchas, Samuel. The map of China. [Der Text basiert auf den Texten von Richard Hakluyt ; die Karte wurde von Theodor de Bry und Alvaro Semedo als Grundlage benutzt].
https://archive.org/details/purchashispilgri00purc. (Pur1)



Contributors (1)

Purchas, Samuel  (Thaxted, Essex ca. 1577-1626 begraben St Martin Ludgate) : Pfarrer Church of England, Reiseschriftsteller, Geograph

Mentioned People (3)

Bry, Theodor de  (Lüttich 1528-1598) : Holländischer Calvinist, Goldschmied, Kupferstecher

Hakluyt, Richard  (Hereford ca. 1552-1616 London) : Schriftsteller, Reisender, Geograph

Semedo, Alvaro  (Portugal 1586-1658 Guangzhou, Guangdong) : Jesuitenmissionar


Geography and Geology