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“An introductory address delivered by Alfred Tucker, Esq., surgeon of the Minden's Hospital, at the first meeting of the China Medical and Chirurgical Society : on the advantages to be gained by a medical association, and a cursory review of diseases incidental to Europeans in China” (Publication, 1845)




Tucker, Alfred. An introductory address delivered by Alfred Tucker, Esq., surgeon of the Minden's Hospital, at the first meeting of the China Medical and Chirurgical Society : on the advantages to be gained by a medical association, and a cursory review of diseases incidental to Europeans in China. (Victoria : Printed at the Hong Kong Register Office, 1845). (TuckA1)



Contributors (1)

Tucker, Alfred  (gest. 1845) : Englischer Arzt


Medicine and Pharmacy

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2007- Worldcat/OCLC Web / WC