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“The right of every British merchant to trade within the geographical limits defined by the charter of the East India Company, vindicated : with important, authentic, and hitherto unpublished documents, peculiarly applicable to the question of a modified trade to China, uncontrouled [sic] by the company's agents, factors, or servants, and affording a satisfactory reason why the tonnage to that country assigned by parliament has not been occupied” (Publication, 1812)




Lee, Thomas. The right of every British merchant to trade within the geographical limits defined by the charter of the East India Company, vindicated : with important, authentic, and hitherto unpublished documents, peculiarly applicable to the question of a modified trade to China, uncontrouled [sic] by the company's agents, factors, or servants, and affording a satisfactory reason why the tonnage to that country assigned by parliament has not been occupied. (London : Printed for J.M. Richardson, and J. Hatchard, 1812). (LeeT1)



Contributors (1)

Lee, Thomas  (um 1812)


Economics and Trade / History : China - Europe : England

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2007- Worldcat/OCLC Web / WC