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“American journal of education” (Publication, 1830)




American journal of education. Ed. William C. Woodbridge. N.S. Vol. 1. (Boston : Wait, Green, and Co., 1830).
http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044096992227;view=1up;seq=32. (Wood4)



Contributors (1)

Woodbridge, William C.  (Medford, Mass. 1794-1845) : Autor, Geograph, Erzieher


Social History : Education and Schooling

Chronology Entries (1)

# Year Text Linked Data
1 1830 American journal of education. Vol. 1 (1830). [ID D32173].
Arithmetic and geometry as studies for children.
It is a common error that arithmetic and geometry are difficult und unsuitable studies for children. Doubtless they may be rendered so by an unnatural mode of teaching them, and so may working, running, and even walking, by injudicious management in regard to health and habits, or by cramping the feet like a Chinese lady's.
Biography of Richter.
It is true there are examples of an opposite sort ; now and then, by some rare chance, a Goethe, a Cervantes, will occur in literature, and kings may laugh over 'Don Quixote' while it is yet unfinished, and scenes from 'Werter' be painted on Chinese tea-cups, while the author is still a stripling.
Sketches by a traveller.
The Chinese children have a great reverence for the schoolmaster, and seldom incur his displeasure… In China, infanticide is almost necessary ; the population is full ; and many a man 'finds no cover set for him at nature's table'. The land is filled with people, and the single branch of a river is thought to contain in floating families more than a hundred thousand. If we have less than the Chinese to answer for in exposing children, do we educate them in a manner ?
Porcelain clay, which is much used by the Chinese under the name of kaolin, in the manufactory of their ware, is decomposed feldspar. Sometimes feldspar is pulverized from solid masses for the manufactory of porcelain, when it usually requires some quartz, or silex to be added.

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2007- Worldcat/OCLC Web / WC