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“Saimiaoer Beikete : Jian zheng shen ti zhi zai” (Publication, 2007)




Liu, Aiying. Saimiaoer Beikete : Jian zheng shen ti zhi zai. Diss. Shanghai International Studies University, 2007. [Samuel Beckett : the body matters].
塞缪尔贝克特 : 见证身体之在 (Beck34)



Contributors (1)

Liu, Aiying  (um 2007)

Mentioned People (1)

Beckett, Samuel  (Dublin 1906-1989 Paris) : Irischer Schriftsteller, Dramatiker, Nobel-Preisträger


Literature : Occident : Ireland

Cited by (1)

# Year Bibliographical Data Type / Abbreviation Linked Data
1 2011 Lin, Lidan ; Zhang, Helong. The Chinese response to Samuel Beckett (1906-89). In : Irish studies review ; vol. 19, no 4 (2011). Publication / Beck22
  • Source: Dong, Hengxun. Xi ju yi shu de duo luo : Faguo fan xi ju pai. In : Qian xian ; no. 8 (1963). [The dramatic arts in decay : the French anti-theater].
    戏剧艺术的堕落——法国"反戏剧派" (Beck27, Publication)
  • Source: Ding, Yaozan. Xi fang shi jie de xian feng pai wen yi shi jie zhi shi. In : Shi jie zhi shi ; no. 9 (1964). [The Avant Garde literature and arts in the Western world. Betr. u.a. Samuel Beckett].
    西方世界的“先锋派”文艺 (Beck46, Publication)
  • Source: Zhu, Hong. Huang dan pai xi ju shu ping. In : Shi jie wen xue ; no 1 (1978). [The theatre of the absurd : a review. Betr. u.a. Samuel Beckett].
    荒诞派戏剧述评 (Beck28, Publication)
  • Source: Yi, Wubing. Lüe lun Deng dai Geduo ji qi ta. In : Hunan cheng shi xue yuan xue bao ; no. 1 (1983). [Preliminary comments on Waiting for Godot].
    略论等待戈多及其它 (Beck29, Publication)
  • Source: Qu, Shijing. Beikete de fan xiao shuo. In : Wai guo wen xue bao dao ; no. 3 (1983). [Beckett's anti-fiction].
    贝克特的"反小说" (Beck30, Publication)
  • Source: Liu, Zhongde. Cong fan xiao shuo pai zuo jia Bekaite jin zhu shi bai tan qi. In : Qiu suo ; no. 2 (1984). [The lost ones and Samuel Beckett as an anti-fiction writier].
    从反小说派作家贝凯特近著《失败》谈起 (Beck31, Publication)
  • Source: Chen, Jia. Tan huang dan pai ju ben Deng dai Geduo. In : Dang dai wai guo wen xue ; no. 1 (1984). [On Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett as an absurd play].
    谈谈荒诞派剧本〈等待戈多〉 (Beck32, Publication)
  • Source: Hong Zengliu. Er shi shi ji de xi fo si shen hua : jian lun Beikete de "Deng dai Geduo". In : Anhui da xue xue bao ; no 1 (1990). [The myth of Sisyphus].
    二十世纪的席西佛斯神话 : 简论贝克特的<等待戈多> (Beck33, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Yongmao. Beikete xiao shuo yan jiu. (Kaifeng : Kaifeng da xue chu ban she, 1995). [Studies of Samuel Beckett’s fiction].
    贝克特小说研究 (Beck23, Publication)
  • Source: Shu, Xiaomei. Shi lun Beikete xi ju zuo pin zhong di shi kong jie gou. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; no 2 (1997). [The temporal and spatial structures in the works of Samuel Beckett].
    试论贝克特戏剧作品中的时空结构 (Beck35, Publication)
  • Source: Lu, Jiande. Zi you xu kong de xin ling : Samiaoer Beikete de xiao shuo chuang zuo. In : Xian dai zhu yi zhi hou : xie shi yu shi yan. (Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 1997). [Free and empty soul : a study of Samuel Beckett's novels].
    自由虚空的心灵萨缪尔贝克特的小说创作 (Beck36, Publication)
  • Source: Shu, Xiaomei. Shi hua dui chen huang dan : Beikete Deng dai Geduo xi ju yu yan zhu yao te zheng. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; no. 2 (1997). [Poeticization, symmetry, and absurdity : the dramatic language in Waiting for Godot von Samuel Beckett].
    诗化对称荒诞 : 贝克特等待戈多戏剧语言的主要特征 (Beck37, Publication)
  • Source: Hou, Weirui. Yu zhen shi yu huang dan : shi lun Saimiaoer Beikete de huang dan. In : Hangzhou da xue xue bao ; no. 2 (1998). [The absurd reality : a study of Samuel Beckett's absurd].
    寓真实于荒诞 : 试论塞缪尔贝克特的荒诞小说 (Beck38, Publication)
  • Source: Shu, Xiaomei. Dian ying yu yan zai Beikete ju zuo zhong di yun yong cong zui hou yi pan lu yin dai tan qi. In : Nanjing shi da xue xue bao ; no. 2 (2002). [The cinematic language in Beckett's plays : Krapp's last tape].
    电影语言在贝克特剧作中的运用从最后一盘录音带谈起 (Beck39, Publication)
  • Source: He, Chengzhou. Beikete : xi ju dui xiao shuo de gai xie. In : Dang dai wai guo wen xue ; no 3 (2003). [Samuel Beckett and his rewriting of novels in plays].
    贝克特 : 戏剧对小说的改写 (Beck40, Publication)
  • Source: Ran, Dongping. Tu po xian dai pai xi ju de yi shu jie xian : ping Samiaoer Beikete de jing zhi xi ju. In : Wai guo wen xue ping lun ; no. 2 (2003). [Beyond the art boundary of modernist drama : Samuel Beckett's theatre of silence].
    突破现代派戏剧的艺术界限 : 评萨缪尔贝克特的静止戏剧 (Beck41, Publication)
  • Source: He, Chengzhou. Beikete de yuan xi ju yan jiu. In : Dang dai wai guo wen xue ; no. 3 (2004). [A probe into Samuel Beckett's meta-theatre].
    贝克特的元戏剧研究 (Beck42, Publication)
  • Source: Wang, Yahua. A journey to the "ideal core of the onion" : self-exploration and formal experiment in Beckett's novels. (Beijing : Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005). (Beck43, Publication)
  • Source: Wang, Yahua ; Liu, Lixia. Nan yi ming mingy i yan yi yi zhi mi tuan : Saimiaoer Beikete xiao shuo nan yi ming ming zhi jie gou zhu yi chan shi. In : Wai guo wen xue ping lun ; no 3 (2006). [Impossible to name, absurdity, and the aporia of meaning : a structuralist interpretation of The unnameable by Samuel Beckett].
    王雅华难以命名异延意义之谜团塞缪尔贝克特小说难以命名者之解构主义阐释 (Beck44, Publication)
  • Cited by: Asien-Orient-Institut Universität Zürich (AOI, Organisation)
  • Person: Beckett, Samuel
  • Person: Lin, Lidan
  • Person: Zhang, Helong