# | Year | Text |
1 | 1737 |
Christophe Huet a créé la Grande singerie du Château de Chantilly : sur des panneaux de boiseries sont peints des Chinois accompagnés de singes.
2 | 1737-1739 |
Stanislaus Leszczynski lebt bis zu seinem Tod 1766 in seiner Residenz Lunéville. Er baut eine Reihe von Maison de plaisance, den chinesischen Kiosque und den Pavillon Le Trèfle im Park von Lunéville durch den Hofarchitekten Emmanuel Héré de Corny. Das von einem Portikus umgebene Ensemble von Le Trèfle war mit zwei Dächern gedeckt, die gewellt und hoch geschürzt waren. Diese gaben ihm den Anschein einer chinesischen Pagode. Die Innendekoration bestand aus Landschaften mit chinesischen Szenen. Der Pavillon brannte 1762 ab, wurde von Richard Mique wieder aufgebaut. Davon sind nur noch zwei ionische Säulen erhalten.
Voltaire schreibt über den Kiosque : "J'ai vu ce salon magnifique. Moitié turc et moitié chinois. Où le goût moderne et l'antique. Sans se nuire ont uni leurs lois." |
3 | 1737-1781 |
Gründung und Leitung der Porzellan-Manufaktur in Sinceny, Aisne unter Denis Pierre Pellevé (1737-1742) und Leopold Malriat (1743-1781).
4 | 1738 |
Jean-Denis Attiret kommt in Macao an.
5 | 1738 |
Florian Joseph Bahr kommt in Macao an.
6 | 1738 |
Anton Gogeisl kommt in China an.
7 | 1738 |
Augustin Haller von Hallerstein kommt in Guangzhou (Guangdong) an und reist nach Macao.
8 | 1738 |
Gottfried Xaver von Laimbeckhoven kommt in China an.
9 | 1738 |
Eugénio Trigueiros kommt in Macao an und wird Bischof von Macao.
10 | 1738 |
Félix da Rocha wird Astronom am Kaiserhof in Beijing.
11 | 1738 |
Etienne Fourmont wird Mitglied der Royal Society of London.
12 | 1738-1742 |
João de Loureiro ist als Missionar in Macao tätig.
13 | 1738 |
Johnson, Samuel. Letter on Du Halde's 'History of China' [ID D27042].
There are few nations in the world more talked of, or less known, than the Chinese. The confused and imperfect account which travellers have given of their grandeur, their sciences, and their policy, have, hitherto, excited admiration, but have not been sufficient to satisfy even a superficial curiosity. I, therefore, return you my thanks for having undertaken, at so great an expense, to convey to English readers the most copious and accurate account, yet published, of that remote and celebrated people, whose antiquity, magnificence, power, wisdom, peculiar customs, and excellent constitution, undoubtedly deserve the attention of the publick. As the satisfaction found in reading descriptions of distant countries arises from a comparison which every reader naturally makes, between the ideas which he receives from the relation, and those which were familiar to him before; or, in other words, between the countries with which he is acquainted, and that which the author displays to his imagination; so it varies according to the likeness or dissimilitude of the manners of the two nations. Any custom or law, unheard and unthought of before, strikes us with that surprise which is the effect of novelty; but a practice conformable to our own pleases us, because it flatters our self-love, by showing us that our opinions are approved by the general concurrence of mankind. Of these two pleasures, the first is more violent, the other more lasting; the first seems to partake more of instinct than reason, and is not easily to be explained, or defined; the latter has its foundation in good sense and reflection, and evidently depends on the same principles with most human passions. An attentive reader will frequently feel each of these agreeable emotions in the perusal of Du Halde. He will find a calm, peaceful satisfaction, when he reads the moral precepts and wise instructions of the Chinese sages; he will find that virtue is in every place the same; and will look with new contempt on those wild reasoners, who affirm, that morality is merely ideal, and that the distinctions between good and ill are wholly chimerical. But he will enjoy all the pleasure that novelty can afford, when he becomes acquainted with the Chinese government and constitution; he will be amazed to find that there is a country where nobility and knowledge are the same, where men advance in rank as they advance in learning, and promotion is the effect of virtuous industry; where no man thinks ignorance a mark of greatness, or laziness the privilege of high birth. His surprise will be still heightened by the relations he will there meet with, of honest ministers, who, however incredible it may seem, have been seen more than once in that monarchy, and have adventured to admonish the emperours of any deviation from the laws of their country, or any errour in their conduct, that has endangered either their own safety, or the happiness of their people. He will read of emperours, who, when they have been addressed in this manner, have neither stormed, nor threatened, nor kicked their ministers, nor thought it majestick to be obstinate in the wrong; but have, with a greatness of mind worthy of a Chinese monarch, brought their actions willingly to the test of reason, law, and morality, and scorned to exert their power in defence of that which they could not support by argument. I must confess my wonder at these relations was very great, and had been much greater, had I not often entertained my imagination with an instance of the like conduct in a prince of England, on an occasion that happened not quite a century ago, and which I shall relate, that so remarkable an example of spirit and firmness in a subject, and of conviction and compliance in a prince, may not be forgotten. And I hope you will look upon this letter as intended to do honour to my country, and not to serve your interest by promoting your undertaking. The prince, at the christening of his first son, had appointed a noble duke to stand as proxy for the father of the princess, without regard to the claim of a marquis, (heir apparent to a higher title,) to whom, as lord of the bedchamber, then in waiting, that honour properly belonged. --The marquis was wholly unacquainted with the affair, till he heard, at dinner, the duke's health drunk, by the name of the prince he was that evening to represent. This he took an opportunity, after dinner, of inquiring the reason of, and was informed, by the prince's treasurer, of his highness's intention. The marquis immediately declared, that he thought his right invaded, and his honour injured, which he could not bear without requiring satisfaction from the usurper of his privileges; nor would he longer serve a prince who paid no regard to his lawful pretensions. The treasurer could not deny that the marquis's claim was incontestable, and, by his permission, acquainted the prince with his resolution. The prince, thereupon, sending for the marquis, demanded, with a resentful and imperious air, how he could dispute his commands, and by what authority he presumed to control him in the management of his own family, and the christening of his own son. The marquis answered, that he did not encroach upon the prince's right, but only defended his own: that he thought his honour concerned, and, as he was a young man, would not enter the world with the loss of his reputation. The prince, exasperated to a very high degree, repeated his commands; but the marquis, with a spirit and firmness not to be depressed or shaken, persisted in his determination to assert his claim, and concluded with declaring that he would do himself the justice that was denied him; and that not the prince himself should trample on his character. He was then ordered to withdraw, and the duke coming to him, assured him, that the honour was offered him unasked; that when he accepted it, he was not informed of his lordship's claim, and that now he very willingly resigned it. The marquis very gracefully acknowledged the civility of the duke's expressions, and declared himself satisfied with his grace's conduct; but thought it inconsistent with his honour to accept the representation as a cession of the duke, or on any other terms than as his own acknowledged right. The prince, being informed of the whole conversation, and having, upon inquiry, found all the precedents on the marquis's side, thought it below his dignity to persist in an errour, and, restoring the marquis to his right upon his own conditions, continued him in his favour, believing that he might safely trust his affairs in the hands of a man, who had so nice a sense of honour, and so much spirit to assert it. |
14 | 1738 |
Hogarth, William. The Strode family. [Bild ; enthält] : Chinese blue-and white teapot.
15 | 1738 |
Benjamin Franklin studies Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste. Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'empire de Chine et de la Tartarie chinois. (1735) [ID D1819].
16 | 1738 |
Aleksej Leont'ev lernt Chinesisch in Zhou Ge's Chinesischer Schule.
17 | 1738 |
Bau des Chinese House der Stowe Landscape Gardens, Buckinghamshire. It is made of wood and painted on canvas inside and out by Francesco Sleter.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Nouvelle héloïse. Über den Park in Stowe : "Le parc célèbre de Milord Cobham à Staw. C'est un composé de lieux très beaux et très pittoresques dont les aspects ont été choisis en différens pays, et dont tout paroit naturel excepté l'assemblage, comme dans les jardins de la Chine dont je viens de vous parler. Le maître et le créateur de cette superbe solitude y a même fait construire des ruines, des temples, d'anciens édifices, et les tems ainsi que les lieux y sont rassemblés avec une magnificence plus qu'humaine. Voilà précisément de quoi je me plains." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stowe_House. |
18 | 1738-1748 |
Francisco Serrano ist als Missionar in Fujian.
19 | 1738-1743 |
Diogo Pereira (2) ist Gouverneur von Macao.
20 | 1739 |
Jean-Denis Attiret kommt am Kaiserhof bei Kaiser Qianlong in Beijing an.