# | Year | Text |
1 | 1928-1929 |
Jaroslav Prusek studiert bei Bernhard Karlgren in Göteborg.
2 | 1928-1934 |
Rolf Heinrich Blume arbeitet für die Firma Sandoz in Shanghai.
3 | 1928 |
Iulian Shchutskii wird von der Academy of Sciences nach Japan geschickt um chinesische und japanische Bücher zu kaufen und japanische Sinologen zu kontaktieren.
4 | 1928-1958 |
Introduction to Tolstoy, L.N. [Tolstoy, Leo]. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii [ID D36346].
"Tolstoy's interest in Confucius can apparently be explained chiefly by the fact that the teaching of the Chinese philosopher was devoid of all that is vague, transcendental and miraculous. He was not interested in abstract problems or questions of religious metaphysics, but concentrated himself exclusively on the problem of practical morality and the fundamentals of human society. The high humaneness, and the doctrine of self-negation and love for others, which mark the teaching of Confucius, closely approached the ideas on these subjects held by Tolsoy himself." [Lao Tzu. Tao te ching] : "In this book, Tolstoy was especially attracted by the preaching of bodily abstinence and of spiritual self-perfection which should form the basis of human life." |
5 | 1928 |
Mao, Dun. Cong Guling dao Dongjing. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 19, no 10 (1928). [From Guling to Tokyo].
"Zola's attitude to life can at least be described as 'cold observation' and is contrary to Tolstoy's passion for life. I like Zola, and I like Tolstoy too. However, when I come to write my novels, I am closer to Tolstoy. Of course I am not so fanatical as to compare myself to Tolstoy, and my life and thought do not resemble this great Russian writer much." |
6 | 1928 |
[Mirbeau, Octave]. Gong nü Madelan [ID D24764].
Ba Jin schreibt im Vorwort : "On the recent Chinese translations of Western literary works, there are only three for which I have a deep feeling. The first is Shevyrev by Artsybashev ; the second is The pale horse by Savinkov, and the third is this work by Mirbeau. The first two are Russian works of fiction, and are significantly different from this one. Lu Xun thinks Shevyrev is a story about 'anger and righteous indignation'. As to The pale horse, the hero George is an extremist who denies everything. He does not even believe in revolution, despite being a member of a terrorist group." |
7 | 1928 |
Pang Xunqing gründet nach seiner Heimkehr von Paris mit Freunden die Société des deux mondes.
8 | 1928 |
Qian, Xingcun [A, Ying]. Eluosi wen xue man ping. In : Xiao shuo yue bao ; vol. 19, no 1 (1928).
Enthält : [On Arzybashev's Morning shadow]. "Artsybashev's description is a realistic reflection, a reflection of the literary trend that prevailed after the October Revolution. Sadness and despair reigned ; ghis is also a truthful reflection. A sense of despair and sadness also pervades the young Chinese following recent revolutionary events. It will ultimately be reflected in our own creative writings. For the time being, there is no need for such creations. For Artsybashev has already placed them before our eyes." |
9 | 1928-1929 |
[Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich]. Ren sheng zhe xue [ID D39021].
Ba Jin schreibt im Vorwort : "A the time when the revolution was crushed in Russia, Kropotkin frantically wrote his Ethics, and I was moved by the same spirit when at the time of the great massacre of Chinese people I put all my strength into the translation of this book." |
10 | 1928 |
Henry K. Murphy attracted the attention of Chiang Kai-shek and was hired to design a modern capital for China in the ancient city of Nanjing.
11 | 1928 |
Erste kommerzielle Ausstellung der Sammlung von Vojtech Chytil im Rudolfinum der Fine Artists' Union in Prag, Tschechoslowakei.
12 | 1928-1929 |
Vojtech Chytil kauft Kunst für Ausstellungen in China.
13 | 1928-1941 |
Lewis Hodous ist Professor of History and Philosophy of Religion, Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford Seminary Foundation.
14 | 1928 |
Henry Allan Fairfax Best Archer wird britischer Vize-Konsul in China.
15 | 1928 |
Arthur Powlett Blunt wird britischer Konsul in China.
16 | 1928-1930 |
Nicholas Fitzmaurice ist handelnder Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Yichang.
17 | 1928 |
Charles Fortesque Garstin ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
18 | 1928-1931 |
William Meyrick Hewlett ist Generalkonsul des britischen Konsulats in Nanjing.
19 | 1928 |
John C. Hutchison ist handelnder Vize-Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Hankou.
20 | 1928-1934 ca. |
William Percy Whitford Turner ist britischer Konsul in China.