# | Year | Text |
1 | 1923 |
Cheng, Fangwu. On translating poetry [ID D38993].
… Translating a poem involves verbal transfer from one language to another. Yet because a poem as a totality has to be translated, a crucial point is that the end product should be a poem too. Some may translate a poem word by word, write out the lines separately and call it a translated poem. However, such a translation is only a translation of words, not a translation of a poem… A translated poem should be faithful to its original. A poem, in general terms, is made up of three components : content, emotion and form… Thus, an ideal rendition of a poem should : 1) be a poem, 2) transmit the emotions of the original, 3) convey its content, and 4) retain its form… When translating a poem, a translator should lose himself in his objects, the poet ; he should merge with the poet as one person. He then expresses his simmering emotions with all his strength and honesty. Once when translation Shelley's poems, Guo Moruo said, 'To translate Shelley's poems is to turn me tino Shelley and Shelley into me'… |
2 | 1923-1927 |
Walter Andrews Taylor works as architect and engineer in China for Protestant Episcopal Church in Wuchang (Hubei).
3 | 1923-1924 |
Walter Andrews Taylor studies at the Harvard-Yenching School Chinese Studies in Beijing.
4 | 1923-1924 |
Pierre Bousquet besucht Hong Kong.
5 | 1923-1942 |
Edward Hyers Clayton ist Präsdient der Wayland Academy in Hangzhou.
6 | 1923 |
Mary Matteson Wilbur und Hollis Adelbert Wilbur leben in Dayton, Ohio.
7 | 1923-1924 |
Bertram Giles ist Generalkonsul des britischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
8 | 1923-1927 |
William Meyrick Hewlett ist Generalkonsul des bitischen Konsulats in Xiamen (Fujian).
9 | 1923-1924 |
Reginald Hervey Hoare ist Counsellor der britischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
10 | 1923 |
Harry N. Steptoe ist Vize-Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
11 | 1923 |
Nicolai Aall ist Chargé d'affaires der norwegischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
12 | 1923 |
Harry Edward Arnhold ist Chairman des British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.
13 | 1923-1924 |
Culver B. Chamberlain ist Vize-Konsul des amerikanischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
14 | 1923-1937 |
Die Bank of China besitzt das Gebäude des deutschen Club Concordia in Shanghai.
15 | 1923 |
Wilhelm Wagner ist als Diplomat am deutschen Konsulat in Shanghai.
16 | 1923-ca. 1933 |
Theodor Schu ist Spiritual für einheimische Missionare in Taijia (Shandong)
17 | 1923-1951 |
Carl Gerhard Melchers ist Angestellter, ab 1926 Teilhaber der Firma Melchers & Co. in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Nordchina und Hankou.
18 | 1923-1927 |
Marcel Paul Eugene Verdier ist Professor der Université l'Aurore [Aurora-Universität] in Shanghai.
19 | 1923-1932 |
Francis Xavier Winkler ist Konsul, dann Generalkonsul des österreichischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
20 | 1923-1924 |
Georges Goubault ist Konsul des französischen Konsulats in Guangzhou.