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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1922
Thomé H. Fang studiert Graduate Studies an der Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
2 1922
Baring, Maurice. Overlooked. (London : W. Heinemann, 1922).
Frenchman was talking about China, and said he had stayed with a French priest there…
I said perhaps the method of the French priest in China was the best…
3 1922
Paul Bowles bought his first book of poetry, Arthur Waley's A hundred and seventy Chinese poems.
"Poetry had never interested me ; in school I had been made to memorize a bit of verse by Bryant or Whittier or Longfellow, and then as soon as possible, I had forgotten it. Waley's compact little pellets, however, suggested the existence of a whole series of other purposes for which the poetic process could be used. I began to look at the real world around me with the idea of defining it in as few words as possible."
4 1922
London, Jack. Stories of ships and the sea. (Girard, Kan. : Haldeman-Julius, 1922).
Farrington: Able Seaman.
Besides Chris, there remained only the captain, the sailing-master and the Chinese cook…
Working as well as he could with his bandaged hand, and with the feeble aid of the Chinese cook, Chris went forward and backed the jib over to the weather side…
5 1922-1925
Lawrence William Faucett, ist als Mitglied der Board of Missions, Protestant Episcopal Church, Assistant Professor of English an der St. John’s University in Suzhou, bei Shanghai und beschäftigt sich mit der chinesischen Sprache.
1925 tritt er als Mitglied der Protestant Episcopal Church zurück.
6 1922
Xie, Luyi. [Evolution of Western fiction]. [ID D34935].
"Allan Poe is a very important writer in the early period of American literary history. The style of his fiction has its influence in western Europe. It can well be said that he originated the short story".
7 1922
Bernhard Karlgren besucht China.
8 1922-1923
Osvald Sirén reist in China, sammelt Kunst und photographiert.
9 1922-1952
Gründung und Bestehen des Oriental Institute, Prag, Tschechoslowakei.
10 1922
Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov ist Dolmetscher der russischen Botschaft in Beijing.
11 1922
George Roerich studiert Indologie an der Harvard University.
12 1922-1923
Adolf Joffe ist russischer Diplomat für China. 1923 unterschreibt er eine Vereinbarung mit Sun Yatsen in Shanghai zwischen Russland und Guomindang.
13 1922
[Savinkov, Boris Viktorovich]. Hui se ma = The pale horse [ID D37396].
Zheng Zhenduo wrote that Russian society was thirsting for change and Savinkov's The pale horse describes a section of Russian national life better than any other book of this kind. It laid bare the psychological transformation of some terrorists, and, therefore, constituted 'a must for those who are intent on reading about and investing the Russian revolutionary movement'.
14 1922
Shen, Yanbing [Mao, Dun]. Tuosituo yi fu si ji zai Eguo wen xue shi shang de di wei. [Artikel über Fyodor Dostoyevsky]. [ID D37887].
Mao Dun stated that although Russian writers had invariably shown their sympathy towards the 'insulted and injured' characters, none was as deep and broadminded as Dostoyevsky. For him, the most striking feature was his love for mankind. He did not teach people what to love, but about love itself, and placed himself on the same level as those with whom he had sympathy.
15 1922
Shen, Bing [Mao, Dun]. Tuosituo yi fu si ji de si xiang. [Artikel über Fyodor Dostoyevsky]. [ID D37888].
Mao Dun recommended Dostoevsky to the readers, convinced that his work could effectively act as a stimulant to the drowsy and complacent Chinese youth. He wrote admiringly that Dostoevsky's heroes or heroines might have been killers, robbers, or prostitutes, but in the end they were all repentant for their sins. They have led depraved lives, but their souls are never depraved.
16 1922
Mao, Dun. Some thoughts on translating poetry [ID D38991].
Is the translation of foreign poetry 'possible' ?... Some say foreign poetry can be translated ; others say it can't ; some say there are things in foreign poetry which can be translated, and there are things which absolutely cannot, and what can be translated is only a makeshift, better than nothing but no more than that. When poetry has been translated, even if the translator is extremely careful and sticks closely to the source text, it can only be the 're-telling' of a poem, and cannot be seen as being the original…
The translation of foreign poetry can be a means of revitalizing our own poetry. When we glance through the literary history of other countries, we often see that the introduction of a translated text electrifies a country's literary history into new directions ; at least in the poetic arena, this must have an influence of this kind. From this viewpoint the translation of poetry is of great significance for the literary world, and has an even greater significance for a nation developing a new literature…
But it seems that sense-translation should also have its conditions : 1) It should not be an abridged translation… 2) The spirit of the original poem should be there… 3) It should conform to the style of the original poem. If the original poem is tragic and grand, it cannot ever be translated into light and pretty. Apart from this, rhyme and meter and so on are secondary issues, and may safely be ignored.
The second question concerning poetry translation is whether poetry should be translated into prose, or translated into the verse forms of one's own nation… A fixed metrical form can never entirely follow that of the original poem, and since it is only partial imitation, it would be better to ignore the form and do a prose translation…
17 1922
Edna Lee Booker kommt als Journalistin in Shanghai an.
18 1922-1923
Arthur Ernest Eastes ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Xiamen (Fujian).
19 1922
Nicholas Fitzmaurice ist handelnder Generalkonsul in Kashgar.
20 1922
Bertram Giles ist Generalkonsul des britischen Konsulats in Weihaiwei.

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