# | Year | Text |
1 | 1864 |
Twain, Mark. Chinese railroad obstructions [ID D29362].
The Chinese in this State are becoming civilized to a fearful extent. One of them was arrested the other day, in the act of preparing for a grand railroad disaster on the Sacramento Valley Railroad. If these people continue to imbibe American ideas of progress, they will be turning their attention to highway robbery, and other enlightened pursuits. They are industrious. |
2 | 1864 |
Twain, Mark. The Chinese temple [ID D29363].
The New Chinese Temple in Broadway - the "Ning Yong Wae Quong" of the Ning Yong Company, was dedicated to the mighty Josh night before last, with a general looseness in the way of beating of drums, clanging of gongs and burn ing of yellow paper, commensurate with the high importance of the occasion. In the presence of the great idol, the other day, our cultivated friend, Ah Wae, informed us that the old original Josh (of whom the image was only an imitation, a substitute vested with power to act for the absent God, and bless Chinamen or damn them, according to the best of his judgment,) lived in ancient times on the Mountain of Wong Chu, was seventeen feet high, and wielded a club that weighed two tons; that he died two thousand five hundred years ago, but that he is all right yet in the Celestial Kingdom, and can come on earth, or appear anywhere he pleases, at a moment's notice, and that he could come down here and cave our head in with his club if he wanted to. We hope he don't want to. Ah Wae told us all that, and we deliver it to the public just as we got it, advising all to receive it with caution and not bet on its truthfulness until after mature reflection and deliberation. As far as we are concerned, we don't believe it, for all it sounds so plausible. |
3 | 1864 |
Twain, Mark. China at the fair [ID D29364].
Chy Lung, of Dupont street, near Washington, has deposited at the Fair Pavilion, a hideous carved image of a Chinese lion, for exhibition. It is embellished with all the ghastly-painted deviltry so pleasing to the Chinese taste and so grateful to his eye. It will be well for the prudent Christian to treat the monster with respect, for it may, possibly, be a Pagan god in disguise. |
4 | 1864 |
Twain, Mark. The battered Chinaman case [ID D29365].
Andrew Benson and Wm. Silk, two of the triad who were charged with having pounded a Chinaman to pieces in a slaughter house, a few days since, were examined yesterday in the Police Court. Benson was discharged and Silk sent up to the County Court. |
5 | 1864 |
Twain, Mark. Chinese banquet [ID D29366].
The President and officers of the Ning Yong Company request the pleasure of our company to a Chinese banquet to be given to-morrow at three o'clock. So reads the handsomely printed card of invitation, issued and signed by "Ah Wee, Inspector." We shall do ourselves the honor, and the Company the happiness, to save up a desolating appetite for the occasion. |
6 | 1864 |
Letter from Mark Twain to Mrs. Jane Clemens and Mrs. Moffett ; Sept. 25 (1864).
By the new census, San Francisco has a population of 130,000. They don't count the hordes of Chinamen. |
7 | 1864 |
Mark Twain and Steve Gillis worked for the San Francisco Morning Call and were living on California Street. Their window looked down on a lot of Chinese houses, small wooden shanties covered with beatenout cans. Steve and Mark would look down on these houses, waiting until all Chinamen were inside ; one of them would grab an empty beer-bottle, throw it down on those tin roofs, and dodge behind the blinds. The Chinamen would swarm out and look up and pour out Chinese vituperation. By and by, when they had retired and everything was quiet again, their tormentors would throw another bottle. This was their Sunday amusement.
8 | 1864-1865 |
John Thomas Gulick ist als Missionar in Beijing.
9 | 1864-1865 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Chang yu shi. Dong Xun yi. Kalligraphie von Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. A psalm of life.
1864 : Robert Ferguson visited Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. "The table is strewn with books and presentation copies in various languages, - ay, even in Chinese. But the ways of the Chinese are not as our ways ; and this presentation copy was in the shape of a fan, on which a poet of the Flowery Land had written a translation of the Psalm of Life ; and if the translation were only as good as the writing, assuredly the work was will done." 1865, October : Longfellow received a fan decorated with a Chinese translation his "The Psalm of Life" by the calligrapher Dong Xun. 1865 : Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Journal ; Nov. 30th, 1865. "I gave a dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame, in honor of the Chinese Fan sent to me by a mandarin, with the Psalm of life written upon it in Chinese." Longfellow held a celebratory dinner to which he invited Mrs. and Mrs. Burlingame, John Gorham Palfrey, Richard Henry Dana, Charles Sumner. Qian Zhongshu : The translation remained for many years to come a lonely example of Chinese recognition of modern Western literature. The Psalm is a hardy perennial in the text-books for the English courses in Chinese middle schools. |
10 | 1864-1882 |
Francis B. Forbes ist norwegisch-schwedischer Generalkonsul in Shanghai.
11 | 1864 |
Die chinesisch-mandjurische Abteilung der Orientalischen Fakultät an der Universität St. Petersburg wird in eine chinesisch-mandjurisch-mongolische umgewandelt.
12 | 1864-1866 |
Ivan Il'ic Zacharov ist beim Ministerium des Auswärtigen Amtes tätig.
13 | 1864 |
David Hill ist Missionar der British Wesleyan Methodist Missionary in Wuchang, Wuhan (Hubei).
14 | 1864 |
Gründung des Österreichischen Museums für Kunst und Industrie in Wien. Enthält orientalische und ostasiatische Kunstwerke.
15 | 1864 |
Otis Gibson started die methodistische Mission in Nanping (Fujian).
16 | 1864 |
Edward C. Bowra wird Student interpreter in Beijing, dann in Guangzhou.
17 | 1864-ca. 1942 |
Gründung und Bestehen des britischen Konsulats / Generalkonsulats in Hankou.
18 | 1864-ca. 1919 |
Gründung und Bestehen des britischen Konsulats in in Zhenjiang (Jiangsu).
19 | 1864-1868 |
Frederick E.B. Harvey ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Zhenjiang.
20 | 1864-1866 |
George Jamieson lernt Chinesisch an der britischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.