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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1859-1862
Auguste Léopold Protet kämpft während der Taiping-Revolution.
2 1859 ca.-1861
Antelmo Severini ist Professor für Letterature latina des Istituto di studi superiori und bearbeitet eine kritische Ausgabe der Epistolario latino von Francesco Petrarca für den Verleger Felice Le Monnier in Florenz.
3 1859
Brief von Gustave Flaubert an Madame Jules Sandeau.
"Je suis en ce moment un peu troublé par l'idée d'un voyage en Chine. Il me serait facile de partir avec l'expédition française. Et je ne vous cache pas que je lâcherais très bien mon travail et mes travaux pour m'en aller au pays des paravents et du nankin, si je n'avais une mère qui commence à devenir vieille, et que ce départ achèverait. Voilà la seconde fois que je rate la Chine !"
4 1859
Brief von Gustave Flaubert an Ernest Chevalier.
"Si je n'avais pas ma mère, je partirais maintenant pour la Chine. L'occasion m'en serait facile."
5 1859
Thoreau, Henry David. Journal (1859).
Zig zagging with them like the wall of china.
It winds along the irregular lines of tussocks like the wall of China over hill & dale.
You wonder how the world looks to them – if those are eyes which they have got or bits of old china – familiar with soap-suds.
… often this distance & this strangeness between us & our nearest neighbors - They are our Austrias & Chinas - & South Sea Islands.
They looked like 2 old-fashioned china saucers.
But as for the meaning of the sentence – that is as completely over-locked as if it had none. This is the Chinese – the Aristot(e)lean Method.
We become aware of as there are many versts between us & them as between a wandering Tartar of a Chinese or American Town.
6 1859
Thoreau, Henry David. A plea for Captain John Brown [ID D29693].
We dream of foreign countries, of other times and races of men, placing them at a distance in history of space ; but let some significant event like the present occur in our midst, and we discover, often, this distance and this strangeness between us and our nearest neighbors. They are our Austrias, and Chinas, and South Sea Islands. Our crowded society becomes well spaced all at once, clean and handsome to the eye, - a city of magnificent distances. We discover why it was that we never got beyond compliments and surfaces with them before ; we become aware of as many versts between us and them as there are between a wandering Tartar and a Chinese town.
7 1859-2000
A directory of British diplomats : China.
(Ambassador 1933-1949, 1972-. Chargé d’Affaires from 1949-1972)
Frederick W.A. Wright-Bruce : 1859-1865
Rutherford Alcock : 1865-1871
Thomas F. Wade : 1871-1883
Harry S. Parkes : 1883-1885
Robert Hart : 1885
John Walsham : 1885-1892
Nicholas R. O’Conor : 1892-1895
Claude M. MacDonald : 1896-1900
Ernest M.Satow : 1900-1906
John N.Jordan : 1906-1920
Beilby F.Alston :1920-1922
J.W.Ronald Macleay : 1922-1926
Lord Killearn : 1926-1934
Alexander G.M.Cadogan : 1934-1936
Hughe M.Knatchbull-Hugessen : 1936-1938
Lord Inverchapel : 1938-1942
Horace J. Seymour : 1942-1946
Ralph C.C. Stevenson : 1946-1949
John C. Hutchison : 1949-1951
Lionel H. Lamb : 1951-1953
Lord Trevelyan :1953-1955
Con D.W. O’Neill : 1955-1957
A. Duncan Wilson : 1957-1959
Michael N.F. Stewart : 1959-1962
Terence W. Garvey : 1962-1965
Donald C. Hopson : 1965-1968
Percy Cradock : 1968-1969
John B. Denson : 1969-1971
John M. Addis : 1972-1974
Edward Youde : 1974-1978
Percy Cradock : 1978-1983
Richard M.Evans : 1984-1988
Alan E.Donald : 1988-1991
Robin J.T.McLaren : 1991-1994
Leonard V.Appleyard : 1994-1997
Anthony C. Galsworthy : 1997-2002

Consul-General, Shanghai
Patrick J. Hughes : 1884-1891
Nicholas J. Hannen : 1891-1897
George Jamieson : 1897-1899
Byron Brenan : 1899-1901
Pelham L. Warren : 1901-1911
Everard D.H. Fraser : 1911-1922
Sidney Barton : 1922-1929
John F. Brenan : 1930-1937
Herbert Phillips : 1937-1940
Anthony H. George, K.C.M.G.: 1940-1941
Alwyne G.N. Ogden : 1945-1948
Robert W. Urquhart : 1948-1950
Kenneth Bumstead : 1950
Scott L. Burdett : 1950-1951
John P. Coghill : 1951-1952
Allan Veitch : 1952-1954
Frederic F. Garner : 1954-1956
Ayrton J.S. Pullan : 1956-1958
J.H. (Harry)Wright : 1958-1960
Frank C. Butler : 1960-1962
Trevor E.J. Mound : 1985-1987
Iain C. Orr : 1987-1991
John W. MacDonald : 1991-1994
Simon M. Featherstone : 1994-1996
Warren D. Townend: 1996-2000
8 1859-1863
Konstantin Andrianovic Skachkov ist Konsul in Cugucak.
9 1859
Gabriel Lemaire ist Dolmetscher des französischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
10 1859
Chinese artists : from a sketch by our special artist in China. In : The illustrated London news ; 30 April 1859.
Showing a Studio in Hong Kong where artists were making copies and enlargements of Western portraits from daguerreotypes.
11 1859-1867
Francis William White ist Commissioner der Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs.
12 1859-1863
Thomas Taylor Meadows ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
13 1859
William Caine ist Gouverneur von Hong Kong.
14 1859-1895
Henry Cockburn ist Vize-Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Chongqing.
15 1859
John Gibson (2) ist Junior Assistant Secretary des britischn Konsulats in Shanghai.
16 1859-1864
Frederick E.B. Harvey ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Ningbo.
17 1859-1861
Archer Rotch Hewlett ist Student interpreter der britischen Konsulate in Ningbo und Fuzhou.
18 1859
Martin Crofton Morrison wird Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Fuzhou (Fujian).
19 1859-ca. 1877
Daniel Brooke Robertson ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
20 1859-1860
Charles Alexander Winchester ist Konsul des britischen Konsulats in Guangzhou (Guangdong).

1 2 ... 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 ... 1815 1816