# | Year | Text |
1 | 1852 |
Samuel Beal reist als Priester der Royal Navy nach China und lernt Chinesisch.
2 | 1852-1873 |
James Summers ist Professor für Chinesisch am King's College in London. Er arbeitet zusätzlich zeitweise als Assistent für die India Office Library, im British Museum und wird Dekan der Kathedrale von Rochester und Kurator der Kirche in Hitchin, Herfortshire.
3 | 1852 |
George Smith wird Vorsitzender des Hong Kong Government's Education Committee.
4 | 1852 |
Die Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society beginnt ihre Missionstätigkeit in Guangdong und Hong Kong.
5 | 1852-1853 |
Harry Smith Parkes ist Dolmetscher und einsatzweise Konsul der britischen Gesandtschaft in Guangzhou (Guangdong).
6 | 1852 |
Robert Jardine wird Partner von Jardine, Matheson & Co. in Hong Kong und London.
7 | 1852-1862 |
Alphonse de Bourboulon ist als bevollmächtigter Gesandter der französischen Gesandtschaft in Beijing.
8 | 1852 |
William Speer gründet die erste chinesische christliche Kirche Amerikas in Kalifornien, predigt als erster Priester in chinesisch, gründet Schulen und eröffnet eine Krankenstation.
9 | 1852 |
Elijah C. Bridgman und Eliza Jane Gillett Bridgman haben Urlaub in Amerika.
10 | 1852 |
Philipp Winnes kommt in Hong Kong an und reist mit Rudolf Lechler in die Missionsstation in Dongwu (Guangdong).
11 | 1852 |
Theodor Hamberg reist in die Missionsstation in Buji (Guangdong).
12 | 1852 |
Brief von Gustave Flaubert an Louise Colet.
Il raconte le voyage imaginaire en Chine [Novembre 1842]. "Ne serait-ce que le désir de Chine à la fin ?" "Adieu, chère et bonne Louise, merci de ton fragment de Chine." |
13 | 1852-1861 |
Yan Yongjing studiert am Kenyon College in Ohio.
14 | 1852- |
Mark Twain and China : general 1852-2000
1987 Liu Haiming : Mark Twain's first appearance on the Chinese literary scene was not in the role of humorist. The style of his humor was not easy for literate Chinese, with their different cultural traditions, to understand and appreciate. The purpose of many translations of the late Qing was to introduce the social systems and customs of other countries to the Chinese people. Twain is usually termed a humorous satirist' in Chinese literary circles. He was a great literary pioneer and the first writer successfully to express American life using the language of the American people. Twain's humor was a unification, continuation and development of the traditional language, form and content of the American west. 2010 Ou Hsin-yun : Although the actual presence of the Chinese was rare on the American East Coast in the nineteenth century, frontier writings and dramas with Chinese characters were popular, because the readers and audiences were curious about the American West. Twain exhibited his fascination with and sympathy for the Chinese through his attack on the racist practices against the Chinese in his 'Disgraceful persecution of a boy', 'John Chinaman in New York', 'Goldsmith's friend abroad again', his novel 'Roughing it,' and the play 'Ah Sin'. Twain's writings demonstrate American Orientalism as influenced not only by the American's relations with the Orient, but also by their different social ideologies and self-identification of nationality. Since Twain endeavored to understand the Chinese and protest against Western imperialism, his writings offer different perspectives on Asian people. 2010 Martin Zehr : The conclusion that Twain's observations of the Chinese, direct and otherwise, influences his writings, especially in terms of his acute awareness of the roles of race, class, and ethnicity in his characters, is inescapable. One of the less controversial statements one can make regarding his personal and literary evolution is that a change did in fact take place in his personal attitudes with respect to each of these factors, even acknowledging, that Twain is still the subject of occasional charges of racism. A review of his writings on the Chinese reveals the importance of his observations in this regard, even though they rarely constitute a prominent role in his work. Nevertheless, from the time of his first focused writings on the Chinese, during his journalistic apprenticeships in the West, it is apparent that Twain is closely noting and, unlike many of his contemporaries, choosing not to ignore the fate of these immigrants. During Twain's lifetime, it is doubtful that his attitudes toward the Chinese ever represented anything more than a distinctly minority opinion in the United States, where the fears of 'yellow peril' or the protectionist proclivities of organized labor were continually leveraged by clever politicians into support for the official exclusionary policies against Chinese immigration beginning in 1882. |
15 | 1852 |
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's cabin ; or, Life among the lowly [ID D29963].
"But this treating servants as if they were exotic flowers, or china vases, is really ridiculous," said Marie. The store-room, the linen-presses, the china-closet, the kitchen and cellar, that day, all went under an awful review. …a Methodist hymn-book, a couple of soiled Madras handkerchiefs, some yarn and knitting-work, a paper of tobacco and a pipe, a few crackers, one or two gilded china-saucers with some pomade in them, one or two thin old shoes, a piece of flannel carefully pinned up enclosing some small white onions… The wagon rolled up a weedy gravel walk, under a noble avenue of China trees… It was a superb moonlight night, and the shadows of the graceful China trees lay minutely pencilled on the turf below, and there was that transparent stillness in the air which it seems almost unholy to disturb. Two days after, a young man drove a light wagon up through the avenue of China trees, and, throwing the reins hastily on the horse's neck, sprang out and inquired for the owner of the place. But this treating servants as if they were exotic flowers, or china vases, is really ridiculous," said Marie… |
16 | 1852 |
Firma Russell & Co. eröffnet den Hauptsitz in Shanghai.
17 | 1852-1879 |
Anton Schiefner ist Professor für klassische Sprachen an der Katholischen Geistlichen Akademie in St. Petersburg.
18 | 1852-1853 |
Edward R. Cunningham ist Konsul ders britischen Konsulats in Shanghai.
19 | 1852-ca. 1927 |
Gründung und Bestehen des britischen Konsulats in Xiamen (Fujian).
20 | 1852-1853 |
Frederick E.B. Harvey ist Secretary to Her Majesty's Plenipotentiary und Chief Superintendent of British Trade in Hong Kong.