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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1997
[Wharton, Edith]. Niu yue jiu shi. Yidisi Huadu zhu ; Pu Long deng yi. [ID D34511].
Pu Long writes : "After the victory of the liberation war, we emphasized the element of the people in literary works. This goes well with the standard of the redskin school and that is why many works by writers such as Whitman, Twain, Dreiser, and London have been introduced into China. On the contrary, paleface school writers always have been neglected. The representative figure, Henry James, did not get introduced until the reform and opening-up period. Although her Ethan Frome was translated by Lu Shuxiang as early as the anti-Japanese War period, Edith Wharton did not get her other works translated (as well as a reprint of Ethan Frome) until the 1980s. In fact, Ethan Frome is not palefaced—its theme is still redskinned."
2 1997
Updike, John. Toward the end of time : a novel [ID D35874].
Set in New England, Toward the End of Time portrays a world in which the Chinese and the Americans have attacked one another with nuclear weapons.
Set in the near future of 2020, this disconcerting philosophical fantasy depicts an America devastated by a war with China that has left its populace decimated, its government a shambles, and its natural resources tainted.
S. 147
The war (which was perhaps less between us and China than between China and our protégé Japan, over the control of Asia, including separatist Siberia) had left Japan too ruined to compete, although the resilience of a demolished nation is always greater than seems possible…
S. 191
Yet, since by the terms of the Sino-American treaty the island was reassigned back to our faithful allies the British, Allan sees wonderful opportunities ten or so years down the road, when mainland China becomes less radioactive and reacquires an infrastructure…
3 1997-1998
Ellen B. Widmer ist Präsidentin der New England Association for Asian Studies.
4 1997
Aufführung von The big circus von Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev an der Shanghai Modern Man Theatre Society.
5 1997-2001
Anthony Galsworthy ist Botschafter der britischen Botschaft in Beijing.
6 1997
Gründung des britischen Generalkonsulats in Hong Kong.
7 1997-2000
Claude Ambrosini ist Generalkonsul des französischen Generalkonsulat in Guangzhou.
8 1997-2005
Robert Bickers ist Lecturer, dann Senior Lecturer in History, University of Bristol.
9 1997
Arthur Liener besucht China und trifft Chi Haotian in der Grossen Halle des Volkes in Beijing.
10 1997
Fu Quanyou führt auf dem Platz vor dem Revolutions- und Militärmuseums in Beijing eine Zeremonie durch, um Arthur Liener willkommen zu heissen.
11 1997
Internationales Volkskunstfestival in Fribourg mit dem Lhasa-Ensemble unter Leitung von Danzeng.
12 1997-2001
Lu Qiutian ist Botschafter der chinesischen Botschaft in Berlin.
13 1997-2001
Ma Zhengang ist chinesischer Botschafter des Court of St. James's in London.
14 1997-1999
Tao Xiangzhen ist Generalkonsul des chinesischen Generalkonsulats in Hamburg.
15 1997
Übereinstimmung zwischen China und Österreich über den Notenaustausch betreffs der Beibehaltung des österreichischen Generalkonsulats in Hong Kong.
16 1997
Werner Fasslabend besucht China.
17 1997
Heinz Fischer besucht China.
18 1997-2000
Liu Changye ist Botschafter der chinesischen Botschaft in Österreich
19 1997-2011
Carsten Boyer Thogersen ist Mitglied des Board of Directors des Danish Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong und Shanghai.
20 1997
Carsten Boyer Thogersen ist Counseller der dänischen Botschaft in Beijing.

1 2 ... 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 ... 1815 1816