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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1996
Daniel L. Overmyer wird Ehrenprofessor der Faculty of Arts der Shanghai Normal University.
2 1996-
Susan Naquin ist Direktorin des Chinese Rare Books Project.
3 1996
Chang Kwang-chih erhält den Ehrendoktor der Chinese University of Hong Kong.
4 1996-2006
Timothy Cheek ist Mitglied des Editorial Board of the Publications Committee der Association for Asian Studies.
5 1996-1999
Timothy Cheek ist Mitglied des Faculty Executive Committee des Colorado College, Colorado Springs.
6 1996-2000
Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova ist Gastprofessorin am Institute of East Asian Studies der Karls-Universität in Prag.
7 1996-
Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von Modern Chinese literature and culture.
8 1996-
Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova ist Mitglied der Czech-Chinese Society.
9 1996
Sun Kunrong schreibt : Kafka used absurd plots and a simple, seemingly emotionless language to camouflage his already dreamlike subconscious and philosophical ideas. These facts do not make translation easy. China, however, cannot afford to ignore Kafka’s work as a literary, cultural and social phenomenon... The key concern in translating Kafka’s works is to preserve their internal structure while making them comprehensible as well as appreciable to Chinese readers. For them, the world presented by Kafka is an extraordinary and unknown one. These facts make it necessary for Chinese translators and readers to have a correct understanding of Kafka’s epoch. A good literary translation must render the form and the spirit of the original into the target language, maintaining the particular language and style of the author. Rendering Kafka’s dialogues, and especially their colloquial expressions into acceptable Chinese is rather difficult. How to render the syntax of the original into Chinese is an important aspect of translation. A translator should familiarize himself with the biography and world views of Kafka, for parellels do exist in depicted events in his works and real happenings in his life.
10 1996-
Gail E. Henderson ist Adjunct Professor am Department of Sociology der University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill.
11 1996
Gail E. Henderson ist Mitorganisatorin der Konferenz Gender, Households, and the Boundaries of Work in China.
12 1996-
James Z. Lee ist Mitglied des Editorial Board von The history of the family : an international quarterly.
13 1996-2006
James Z. Lee ist Mitglied der International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
14 1996
Wang Gungwu wird Honorary Academy Member der Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
15 1996
Wang Gungwu erhält den Honorary LL.D. der Australian National University, Canberra.
16 1996
Wang Gungwu wird Honorary Fellow der School of Oriental and African Studies der University of London.
17 1996-1997
Wang Gungwu ist Vorsteher des Institute of East Asian Political Economy, Singapore.
18 1996-2002
Wang Gungwu ist Distinguished Professorial Fellow des Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
19 1996-
Wang Gungwu ist korrespondierender Direktor der East Asian History of Science Foundation, Hong Kong.
20 1996-
Li Shixun ist beeidigter Dolmetscher und Übersetzer und Mitglied des Bundesverbandes der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer.

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