# | Year | Text |
1 | 1993-1994 |
Paul S. Ropp ist Präsident der New England Conference der Association for Asian Studies.
2 | 1993-1998 |
R. Keith Schoppa ist Direktor des Lutheran Colleges China Consortium.
3 | 1993-1995 |
David W. Chappell ist Präsident der Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.
4 | 1993-1997 |
Shun Kwong-loi ist Vizedekan des College of Letters and Science der University of California, Berkeley.
5 | 1993-2000 |
David B. Wong ist Harry Austryn Wolfson Professor of Philosophy der Brandeis University, Waltham Mass.
6 | 1993-1996 |
David B. Wong ist Vorsteher des Department of Philosophy der Brandeis University, Waltham Mass.
7 | 1993- |
Pamela Kyle Crossley ist Associate Professor of History des Dartmouth College, Hanover N.H.
8 | 1993-2006 |
Lynn A. Struve ist Director of the Honros Program der Indiana University, Bloomington.
9 | 1993-1997 |
Helen F. Siu ist Vorsitzende des Council on East Asian Studies der Yale University.
10 | 1993-1994 |
Judith T. Zeitlin ist Associate Professor of Chinese Literature der Harvard University.
11 | 1993- |
William A. Joseph ist Professor of Political Science des Wellesley College.
12 | 1993-2003 |
William A. Joseph ist Contributing Editor von Current history.
13 | 1993-1996 |
Klaus Sagaster ist Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beitrats des Bundesinstituts für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, Köln.
14 | 1993 |
Gloria Bien ist Visiting Scholar der University of California, Berkeley.
15 | 1993-1997 |
Federico Masini ist Professore a contratto per l'insegnamento di filologia cinese des Dipartimento di studi orientali der Facultà di lettere e filosofia der Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
16 | 1993 |
Wuhan International Shakespeare Conference unter der Leitung der Wuhan-Universität und dem Wuhan Shakespeare Center.
It was the first time that China's Shakespearean scholars had convened an international conference on Shakespeare and the first opportunity for them to exchange academic ideas with their Western counterparts. More than sixty Western and Chinese scholars, including those from Taiwan and Hong Kong attended the conference. Scenes from A midsummer night's dream and As you like it were presented by students of the English Department at Wuhan University. |
17 | 1993 |
Wu, Ningkun ; Li, Yikai. A single tear : a family’s persecution, love, and endurance in communist China. (New York, N.Y. : Atlantic Monthly Press, 1993).
Er schreibt über Hamlet von William Shakespeare : "At the end of my long day's work it was a joy for me to spend time talking with [my wife] about her reading. I would recite Hamlet’s great soliloquies for her... Hamlet was my favorite Shakespeare play. Read in a Chinese labor camp, however, the tragedy of the Danish prince took on unexpected dimensions... The outcry 'Denmark is a prison' echoed with a poignant immediacy, and Elsinore loomed like a haunting metaphor of a treacherous repressive state. The Ghost thundered with a terrible chorus of a million victims of proletarian dictatorship. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern would have felt like fish in water, hat they found their way into a modern nation of hypocrites and informers... I would say to myself, 'I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be', echoing Eliot's Prufrock. Rather, I often felt like one of those fellows 'crawling between earth and heaven', scorned by Hamlet himself. But the real question I came to see was neither 'to be, or not to be', nor whether 'in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune', but how to be worthy of one's suffering. Hamlet suffered as an archetypal modern intellectual. Touched off by practical issues in the kingdom of Denmark, his anguish, emotional, moral, and metaphysical, took on cosmic dimensions and permeated the great soliloquies with an ever-haunting rhytm. When I recited them to myself on the lake shore, I felt this anguish was the substance of the tragedy." |
18 | 1993 |
Gründung der Zhejiang Shakespeare Association.
19 | 1993 |
Gründung des Shakespeare Research Center der Beijing-Universität. Gu Zhengkun wird Direktor.
20 | 1993 |
Aufführung von Twelfth night von William Shakespeare in der Übersetzung von Zhu Shenghao durch die Zhong yang xi ju xue yuan (Central Academy of Drama), Beijing unter der Regie von He Bingzhu.