# | Year | Text |
1 | 1987-1989 |
Dru C. Gladney ist Post-Doctoral Fellow und Kukin Scholar am Center for International Affairs, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies der Harvard University.
2 | 1987 |
Brief von Shen Youding an Wang Hao über Edmund Husserl.
Jin Xiping : Shen wrote about Husserl's remarks on the literature of phenomenology : "As I was in Germany, Husserl told me that only his own works were well qualified to count as phenomenology ; other studies on so-called phenomenology are simply useless. But on one point, Husserl was correct : we should tell the 'beginner' that he must read Husserl's own work first and ignore all other works of phenomenology". |
3 | 1987 |
Jonathan Goldstein ist Organisator und Leiter der Tagung Fresh perspectives on Qing dynasty maritime trade der Association for Asian Studies, Boston.
4 | 1987- |
David S.G. Goodman ist Mitglied des Editorial Board der The Pacific review.
5 | 1987 |
Beata Grant promoviert an der Stanford University.
6 | 1987-1992 |
Hannspeter Hellbeck ist Botschafter der deutschen Botschaft in Beijing.
7 | 1987 |
Valerie Hansen promoviert an der University of Pennsylvania.
8 | 1987 |
James L. Hevia promoviert an der University of Chicago.
9 | 1987-1991 |
Gail B. Hershatter ist Associate Professor of History am Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.
10 | 1987-1990 |
Ho Ping-ti ist Visiting Distinguised Professor of History and Social Sciences an der University of California, Irvine.
11 | 1987 |
Frederick C. Teiwes ist Visiting Scholar am Institute of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought der Chinese Academy of Social Sciences und am Department of Chinese Communist Party History der Renmin-Universität, Beijing.
12 | 1987-1989 |
Paul W. Kroll ist Mitglied des National Endowment for the Humanities, Divison of Research Programs.
13 | 1987-1990 |
Paul W. Kroll ist Mitglied des Executive Committee der Association of Department of Foreign Languages der Modern Language Association.
14 | 1987- |
Vera Schwarcz ist Mansfield Freeman Professor of East Asian Studies der Wesleyan University, Middletown.
15 | 1987- |
Vera Schwarcz ist Professor of History der Wesleyan University, Middletown.
16 | 1987-1988 |
Vera Schwarcz ist Director des Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies der Wesleyan University, Middletown.
17 | 1987 |
Li Wai-yee promoviert in Comparative Literature an der Princeton University.
18 | 1987-1990 |
Li Wai-yee ist Assistant Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
19 | 1987-1991 |
Yen-hui Audrey Li ist Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Linguistics der University of Southern California, Los Angeles und Direktorin des Chinese Language Program.
20 | 1987-1989 |
Richard John Lynn ist Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature am Department of Oriental Languages der University of California, Berkeley.