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Chronology Entries

# Year Text
1 1979
Pamela Kyle Crossley erhält den M.A. in History der Yale University.
2 1979
Ross Terrill wird amerikanischer Staatsbürger.
3 1979-1982
Anthony C. Yu ist Mitglied des China and Inner Asia Council der Association for Asian Studies.
4 1979
Karine Chemla erhält das Diplôme d'études approfondies mathématiques der Université Paris 7.
5 1979
Annie Curien reist in China.
6 1979-1985
David W. Chappell ist Associate Professor of Religion der University of Hawaii.
7 1979
Richard Vinograd promoviert an der University of California, Berkeley.
8 1979
Gründung der Associazione italiana studi cinesi.
9 1979-1981
Piero Corradini ist Direttore des Istituto italiano di cultura, Tokyo.
10 1979-1995
D.C. Lau ist Chief Editor des Journal of Chinese studies.
11 1979-2007
D.C. Lau ist Direktor des T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre der Chinese University of Hong Kong.
12 1979
Roberto Bertinelli promoviert in Economia cinese an der Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
13 1979
Michael Aris leitet die Second International Conference der International Association for Tibetan Studies am St. John's College, Oxford.
14 1979-1981
Giorgio Melis ist stellvertretender Professore di storia e istituzioni dei paesi afroasiatici der Università di Macerata.
15 1979-1997
Lionello Lanciotti ist Professore ordinario di filologia cinese, Istituto universitario orientale der Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale".
16 1979-1998
Lionello Lanciotti organisiert internationale Kongresse über China.
17 1979-
Lionello Lanciotti ist Generalsekretär der Associazione italiana per gli studi cinesi.
18 1979-1996
Lionello Lanciotti ist Vizepräsident des Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente der Università di Roma.
19 1979
Yuan, Kun. [On Shakespeare's humanism]. In : Wai guo wen xue yan jiu ; no 2 (1979).
Yuan Kun discusses the historical and immediate significance of Shakespeare’s humanism. He believes that Shakespeare represented in his works a humanism that was prevailing and progressive idology during the Renaissance, showing through his characters how humanism could be used as an ideological weapon against feudalism. Yuan also blieves that this humanism was not the outmoded bourgeois idea that was condemned by the Gang of Four in the Cultural revolution. Rather, it was of great significance to Chinese society after the Cultural revolution because the people needed humanism to sweep away feudalism under the cover of socialism.
20 1979
Gründung der Chung Ying Theatre Company durch das British Council in Hong Kong.

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