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Molony, Rowland. John Fowles : the magus. In : Dorset : the county magazine ; Nov. 30 (1973).
: Engels did say, din't he, that the further away one hides one's political ideologies the better it is for the work of art.
John Fowles : There again it's a matter of context. I think if I were a Chinese writer in China I would really be all for the thins which so shock the tender liberals of the West – the things they are trying to do with their arts. Mao's China is a perfect example of a context where their present sort of theoretical tendency and attitude to art is probably right.

Mentioned People (1)

Fowles, John Robert  (Liegh-on-Sea 1926-2005 Lyme Regis) : Schriftsteller


Literature : Occident : Great Britain