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Yeats, W.B. Introduction. Pound, Ezra. Certain noble plays of Japan : from the manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa. (Churchtown, Dundrum : The Cuala press, 1916). http://www.gutenberg.org/files/8094/8094-h/8094-h.htm.
have lately studied certain of these dances, with Japanese players, and I notice that their ideal of beauty, unlike that of Greece and like that of pictures from Japan and China, makes them pause at moments of muscular tension. The interest is not in the human form but in the rhythm to which it moves, and the triumph of their art is to express the rhythm in its intensity…
I wonder am I fanciful in discovering in the plays themselves (few examples have as yet been translated and I may be misled by accident or the idiosyncrasy of some poet) a playing upon a single metaphor, as deliberate as the echoing rhythm in Chinese and Japanese painting".

Mentioned People (1)

Yeats, William Butler  (Dublin 1865-1939 Hotel Ideal Séjour, Menton) : Dichter, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger


Literature : Occident : Ireland